1990 Dbq

Páginas: 4 (945 palabras) Publicado: 3 de noviembre de 2011

Mr. Dawson




The uproar of the people of the U.S. was heard after the corrupted elections of 1824. It wasn’t until 1828, the year the Jacksonians came into power andsatisfied the popular demand after a mudslinging battle against the aristocrats. The Jacksonian Democrats claimed they were guardians of the Constitution and many aspects of the U.S. government. TheDemocrats had tried to protect what the thought was the right way to guard the Constitution, political democracy, individual liberty, and an equality of economic opportunity. In the 1820’s and 1830’sthey put those claims to the test, but in the world of democracy, everyone has a different view. Some people supported Jackson’s efforts to preserve their views and beliefs, and other did not.President Jackson and the Jacksonian Democrats proved that they wanted to be guardians of the government, but in reality, showed short in key areas.

The Jacksonian Democrats claimed they were guardiansof the Constitution and many aspects of the U.S. government. Their strict interpretation led them against a national bank and towards power of individual states; however the national bank had alreadybeen proven constitutional in McCulloch v. Maryland. Jackson vetoed the Bank of the U.S. failing to guard the Constitution (Doc. B). Jackson also failed to guard the Constitution by not realizing thestate’s rights were encroaching and threatening to the national government (Doc. C). Jackson went against the Constitution once again when he violated the 1st Amendment by having the U.S. Post Officeconceal abolitionist mail supposed to be delivered to the South (Doc. F).

When the Cherokee Indians appealed to the Supreme Court in Worcester v. Georgia, the Supreme Court ruled in favor of theIndians, but neither Georgia nor Jackson ever enforced or upheld their decision. Jackson went against what the Supreme Court said was unconstitutional and force the Cherokee Nation out of their...
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