2 Reportes de ingles - texto - lista de verbos - clasificacion de verbos - pasado pasivo

Páginas: 6 (1479 palabras) Publicado: 26 de marzo de 2011
How does rubber get made?
Tree Tapping
Natural rubber is made from the latex that flows from the rubber tree, or the Hevea brasillienesis. Synthetic rubber, which now makes up about 65 percent of the market, is made by emulsifying two chemicals, butadiene, and styrene, both made form oil. For centuries the native people of the regions around the Equator have collected the sap by cutting aslanted slice into the bark of the tree about one third of the way around. The cut cannot be too deep or it will kill the tree but deep enough to reach the latex that flows under the surface of the bark.
Collection of Latex
At the bottom of the slice, a container is attached to collect the drippings. A coconut was and still is used by many plantations as a suitable container for the amount of latexthat will flow before it coagulates and stops dripping. Roughly, a cup will flow about every three hours after which another cut will be made, just under the previous one.
Latex Treatment
If left alone, the latex will solidify in contact with air, so many times, a substance as ammonia is added to keep the latex a liquid. A liquid is easier to pour into containers for transport. Otherwise, thelatex is allowed to harden into a cup shape and it is collected along with the strip of latex that hardened along the cut of tree and sent to processing plants.
The natural latex can be used in many applications that require elasticity and the ability to melt easily, but most rubber is vulcanized. The vulcanization is a process that takes the unstable latex and under the presence ofheat adds sulfur to form a harder and more stable product. Before vulcanization, rubber will get sticky if it was hot and brittle if it was cold
Product Formation
The liquid rubber vulcanized or not, is now poured into heated molds designed for their specific use. Sometime other materials are added such as steel reinforcement or carbon black for tires. Latex gloves are formed by dipping apreformed cast into the liquid and allowing it to dry

2. Make
3. Flow
4. Emulsify
5. Collect
6. Cut
7. Reach
8. Attach
9. Drip
10. Use
11. Coagulate
12. Leave
13. Solidify
14. Add
15. Pour
16. Transport
17. Allow
18. Harden
19. Send
20. Process
21. Melt
22. Take
23. Vulcanize
24. Form25. Get
26. Dry

Regular | Irregular |
Flow | Make |
Emulsify | Cut |
Collect | Drip |
Reach | Leave |
Attach | Send |
Use | Take |
Coagulate | Get |
Solidify | |
Add | |
Pour | |
Transport | |
Allow | |
Harden | |
Process | |
Melt | |
Vulcanize | |
Form | |
Dry | |

Present | Past Tense | PastParticiple | Spanish |
Flow | Flowed | Flowed | Fluir |
Emulsify | Emulsified | Emulsified | Emulsión |
Collect | Collected | Collected | Recolectar |
Reach | Reached | Reached | Alcanzar |
Attach | Attached | Attached | Unir |
Use | Used | Used | Usar |
Coagulate | Coagulated | Coagulate | Coagular |
Solidify | Solidified | Solidified | Solidificar |
Add | Added | Added | Añadir |Pour | Pour | Pour | Vertir |
Transport | Transported | Transported | Transportar |
Allow | Allowed | Allowed | Permitir |
Harden | Harden | Harden | Endurecer |
Process | processed | processed | Procesar |
Melt | Melted | Melted | Derretir |
Vulcanize | vulcanized | vulcanized | Vulcanizar |
Form | Formed | Formed | Dar forma |
Dry | Dried | Dried | Secar |
Make | Made | Made| Hacer |
Cut | Cut | Cut | Cortar |
Drip | Dripped | Dripped | Gotear |
Leave | Left | Left | Dejar |
Send | Sent | Sent | Enviar |
Take | Took | Taken | Tomar |
Get | Got | Gotten | Tener |

2. Emulsify – Emulsión
3. Butadiene - Butadieno (Hidrocarburo extraído del petróleo)
4. Cast – Molde
5. Brittle – Quebradizo
6. Slanted –...
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