200 Problemas de ajedrez

Páginas: 33 (8233 palabras) Publicado: 6 de julio de 2011
“The Charm” cuuuuuuuuC {WDWGWhWD} {4WDWDW0p} {WDWDWDWD} {0W4pDWDQ} {PDWiWDWD} {DW0WHWDW} {WDKDWDPD} {DWDWDWDW} vllllllllV White to play and mate in five moves

A Collection of

Two Hundred Chess Problems
composed by

Frank Healey

including the problems to which the prizes were awarded by the committees of the Era, the Manchester, the Birmingham, and the Bristol chess problemtournaments ACCOMPANIED BY SOLUTIONS

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An Electronic Edition

Anders Thulin, Malmö · --

Henry Waite, Esq., THE LIBERAL PATRON OF CHESS, this collection of chess problems is respectfully inscribed by the author

In offering this collection of problems to the Chess community, I feel that a few prefatory words are required by way of explanation. Several previouscomposers have come before the public in the same manner, among whom I may enumerate Mr. Kling, Mr. Brown of Leeds, and J. B. of Bridport. Their example has given me confidence, and I venture to hope that the present collection will be found to bear some features especially distinctive of English problems, such as may justify my publishing it in a separate form. It is certain that the great body ofChess amateurs have always felt an especial interest in the composition and solution of problems. For ten persons who take up a magazine or newspaper to examine a game, probably a hundred may be found who only look to the problems. How often do we see a man of powerful brain devoting a spare half hour to the careful scrutiny of a diagram in the Illustrated London News. This study is rewarded by thatlegitimate gratification which the successful exertion of the intellect always brings with it. But the same man would not, and could not, have devoted the necessary time and energy to a difficult contest over the board. The innumerable solutions of those problems constantly forwarded to the Era, the Illustrated London News, the Field, and many other newspapers, all agree with one consent in thesame story, viz., the increasing popularity of problem making and solving. Problems are indeed the poetry of Chess. The same depth of imagination, the same quick perception of the beautiful, the


frank healey: 200 chess problems

same fecundity of invention, which we demand from the poet, are to be found, under a different form, in the humble labours of the problematist. Surely,without pressing the analogy too far, we may say that the thirty-two pieces form the alphabet of the composer, while the Chess board is the paper, and the positions finally resulting may be fairly likened to so many stanzas. Nor are painting and sculpture alien themes. But why should I proceed “To paint new colours in the bow of Heaven And throw fresh perfume on the violet.” Turning for a brief momentto the history of problems, it cannot but strike the student with some surprise to discover how few names, comparatively speaking, are inscribed on the honourable roll of inventors. From the illustrious Damiano downwards, the following brief register includes, I believe, most of the celebrities to our own day:—Lolli, Ponziani, Stamma, D’Orville, Küper, Mendheim, Kieseritzky, and Silbersmidt. In ourown time, we have indeed a brilliant constellation of genius, in which Anderssen, Kling, Bayer, Horwitz, and Grosdemange, among our continental brethren—Angas, Bolton, Bone, K. A. Browne, J. B. of Bridport, Campbell, M‘Arthur, Grimshaw, T. Smith, C. W. of Sunbury, and Turton, among ourselves, with Theodore Brown, S. Lloyd, and E. B. Cook in America—shine pre-eminent. Coming now to compare theancient with the modern school of problems, I feel much diffidence in attempting so delicatc a task. It has been justly observed by a clever Spanish writer that there is as much difference between the styles of two skilful problem composers as between the paintings of Raphael and Titian, the one excelling in expression, the other in colour. Similarly one problematist is known for his originality...
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