
Páginas: 8 (1945 palabras) Publicado: 3 de febrero de 2013
Figure out the code, you have to change the number by the correct letter
1=A 10=J 19=S
2=B 11=K 20=T
3=C 12=L 21=U
4=D 13=M 22=V
5=E 14=N 23=W
6=F 15=O 24=X
7=G 16=P 25=Y
8=H 17=Q 26=Z
9=I 18=R

(20-8-5) (26-15-15)
(12-1-19-20) (23-5-14-5-19-4-1-25) º (23-5) (4-5-3-9-4-5-4) (20-15)(22-9-19-9-20) (20-8-5) (26-15-15).

Figure out the code, you have to change the number by the correct letter
1=A 10=J 19=S
2=B 11=K 20=T
3=C 12=L 21=U
4=D 13=M 22=V
5=E 14=N 23=W
6=F 15=O 24=X
7=G 16=P 25=Y
8=H 17=Q 26=Z
9=I 18=R

(23-5) (1-18-18-9-22-5-4) (20-8-5) (14-5-24-20)(13-15-18-14-9-14-7) (1-6-20-5-18) (23-5) (2-18-5-1-11-6-1-19-20-5-4).

Figure out the code, you have to change the number by the correct letter
1=A 10=J 19=S
2=B 11=K 20=T
3=C 12=L 21=U
4=D 13=M 22=V
5=E 14=N 23=W
6=F 15=O 24=X
7=G 16=P 25=Y
8=H 17=Q 26=Z
9=I 18=R

(3-1-19-8-5-4) (9-14) (15-21-18)(16-1-19-19-5-19) (1-14-4) (5-14-20-5-18-5-4)

Figure out the code, you have to change the number by the correct letter
1=A 10=J 19=S
2=B 11=K 20=T
3=C 12=L 21=U
4=D 13=M 22=V
5=E 14=N 23=W
6=F 15=O 24=X
7=G 16=P 25=Y
8=H 17=Q 26=Z
9=I 18=R

(23-5) (23-1-12-11-5-4) (20-15-23-1-18-4)(20-8-5) (6-9-18-19-20) (5-24-8-9-2-9-20-19)

Figure out the code, you have to change the number by the correct letter
1=A 10=J 19=S
2=B 11=K 20=T
3=C 12=L 21=U
4=D 13=M 22=V
5=E 14=N 23=W
6=F 15=O 24=X
7=G 16=P 25=Y
8=H 17=Q 26=Z
9=I 18=R

(9) (12-15-15-11-5-4) (21-16) (1-20)(1) (7-9-19-6-6-5) (1-19) (9-20) (19-20-1-18-5-4) (2-1-3-11) (1-20) (13-5)
Figure out the code, you have to change the number by the correct letter
1=A 10=J 19=S
2=B 11=K 20=T
3=C 12=L 21=U
4=D 13=M 22=V
5=E 14=N 23=W
6=F 15=O 24=X
7=G 16=P 25=Y
8=H 17=Q 26=Z
9=I 18=R

(9)(19-20-5-16-16-5-4) (14-5-18-22-15-22-19-12-25) (20-15) (20-8-5) (14-5-24-20) (1-18-5-1)

Figure out the code, you have to change the number by the correct letter
1=A 10=J 19=S
2=B 11=K 20=T
3=C 12=L 21=U
4=D 13=M 22=V
5=E 14=N 23=W
6=F 15=O 24=X
7=G 16=P 25=Y
8=H17=Q 26=Z
9=I 18=R

(15-14-5) (16-5) (20-8-5) (12-9-15-14-19) (7-1-26-5-4) (1-20) (13-5) (1-19) (8-5) (12-1-26-5-4) (9-14) (20-8-5) (19-8-1-4-5)

Figure out the code, you have to change the number by the correct letter
1=A 10=J 19=S
2=B 11=K 20=T
3=C 12=L 21=U
4=D 13=M22=V
5=E 14=N 23=W
6=F 15=O 24=X
7=G 16=P 25=Y
8=H 17=Q 26=Z
9=I 18=R

(23-8-9-13-5) (20-8-5) (15-20-8-5-18-19) (14-1-16-16-5-4) (15-14-5) (15-6) (13-25) (6-18-9-5-16-4-19) (6-9-18-19-20) (11-14-15-3-11-5-4) (20-8-5-14) (2-1-14-7-5-4)SECRET CODE
Figure out the code, you have to change the number by the correct letter
1=A 10=J 19=S
2=B 11=K 20=T
3=C 12=L 21=U
4=D 13=M 22=V
5=E 14=N 23=W
6=F 15=O 24=X
7=G 16=P 25=Y
8=H 17=Q 26=Z
9=I 18=R

(15-14) (20-8-5) (20-5-13-16-5-18-5-4) (7-12-1-19-19) (9-14) (6-18-15-20) (15-6) (20-8-5)...
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