Advanteges Of Animal Testing

Páginas: 2 (403 palabras) Publicado: 21 de febrero de 2013
Advantages and Disadvantages of Animal Testing:

Advantages: Every year more than 20 million animals are used for experimentation, even though a lot of them die in the process proponents of animaltesting believe that the benefits to humans outweigh the moral issues. Without the animal testing a lot of new medicines and cures would not be discovered.

Disadvantages: Every year more than 20million animals are used for medical experiments or to test products, most of them die afterword's or even during the experiment. Animal rights advocates argue that such testing is unnecessary andcruel.

Experiments on Humans or animals that could be avoided:
One of experiments that are not as crusial for our safety is make-up, a lot of times it is first preoved on animals like rabbits,rats or mice.
some of this experiments are:
Shaving Foam: It is introduced into the stomach of the animal.
Hair spray: It is inhaled until a coma.
Shampoo: animals are forced to ingest andconcentrated is introduced into the eyes of rabbits.
Toothpaste: is forced to rabbits, rats and guinea pigs to swallow.
Masks and eye shadow: is introduced into the eyes of rabbits to total blindness.Makeup: Extends the shaved skin of susceptible animals.
Contact Lens Solution: It is introduced into the eyes of rabbits, more sensitive than the human eye.
Soap: The strength of the skin irritation ofshaved animals.
Bronzer: rabbits were exposed to the shaved skin to ultraviolet rays to test these products.

Who should decide whether animals or humans should be used in scientific research?
Itshould be decided by humans, and first tests should be applied to animals and then to human volunteers .

4.When it comes to saving the life of a person, or tens of thousands of people, or millionsof people. Is the life of an animal all that important? How many animals are killed every day to provide humans with food? Is the life of an animal in research any different?
In my opinion we as...
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