
Páginas: 2 (281 palabras) Publicado: 17 de abril de 2010
Moby dick summary

The sailor Ishmael is in the port of New Bedford, Massachusetts, looking for a job on a whaling ship.
He stops at the inn of the"supplier" and Kwee-kweg knows a black harpoon the South Sea Islands, who takes as his companion and servant.
Both are sworn friends and prepare to go to theisland of Nantucket in search of employment in a ship about to sail. The port is the "Pequod", hiring a boat crew for a trip dedicated to whaling.
Its captainis called Ahab. When Ishmael sees it, feels he is possessed. Ahab has traveled the seas for many years, hunting whales. On one occasion, he found a whale inthe Pacific white monster that destroyed his ship and tore a leg, chewed and devoured, leaving him maimed, with a wooden leg, full of hatred, revenge of thewhale, a who is called "Moby Dick." Thus begins the journey.
Through good times, storms and hurricanes, the "Pequod" navigating the Atlantic, around SouthAmerica and Cape Horn, and enters the Pacific. Shipwrecked boats passing by, a rival whalers and other vessels that bring them news of Moby Dick.
At lastsighted in Moby Dick, monster, white and terrible, wild hunt begins three days to capture. Moby Dick is back, rages and attacks, rushes and hits, nothing underthe boat, it strikes with its powerful tail, and it breaks down and destroys.
As the ship sinks, leading to Ahab and his entire crew to death, a woodencoffin that was in the boat floats like a cork and Ishmael grabs this occurs when the final catastrophe.
The narrator is Ishmael because is the only survivor.
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