
Páginas: 4 (799 palabras) Publicado: 21 de agosto de 2013
, is a good tool for police and prosecutors. es una buena herramienta para la policía y los fiscales. it deters crime. disuade a la delincuencia. makes sure that convicted criminals do not offendagain and is a just penalty for atrocious crimes such as child murders, serial killers or torture murderers.. se asegura de que los condenados no ofender de nuevo y es una pena justa por crímenesatroces como niño asesinatos, asesinos en serie o asesinos de tortura. execution discriminates.
There are many organizations worldwide, such as Amnesty International, and country-specific, such as theAmerican Civil Liberties Union (ACLU), that have abolition of the death penalty as a fundamental purpose. Hay muchas organizaciones en todo el mundo, como Amnistía Internacional, y específica de cadapaís, como la Unión Americana de Libertades Civiles (ACLU), que tienen la abolición de la pena de muerte como un objetivo fundamental
Capital punishment or the death penalty is a legal process whereby aperson is put to death by the state as a punishment for a crime.
The judicial decree that someone be punished in this manner is a death sentence, while the actual process of killing the person is anexecution. Crimes that can result in a death penalty are known as capital crimes or capital offences. The term capital originates from the Latin capitalis, literally "regarding the head" (referring toexecution by beheading).[1]
Capital punishment has, in the past, been practised by most societies;[2] currently 58 nations actively practise it, and 97 countries have abolished it (the remainderhave not used it for 10 years or allow it only in exceptional circumstances such as wartime).[3] It is a matter of active controversy in various countries and states, and positions can vary within asingle political ideology or cultural region. In the European Union member states, Article 2 of the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union prohibits the use of capital punishment.[4]...
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