Análisis del cuento "la siesta del martes"

Páginas: 8 (1754 palabras) Publicado: 25 de mayo de 2011
1. How would you define addiction? Why is it difficult to determine one set definition?

2. Identify common themes and realities that cut across the lines of every addiction and recovery story. Think of all the ones you read about and watched in this class. Use specific cases.

3. Explain why alcoholism is considered a disease, using the American Medical Association’s five criteria fordisease.

4. What are some potential signs that a person may have an addiction?

5. Describe how addicts can be both positively and negatively affected by their loved ones.

6. What are some strategies addicts use during recovery to help them stay on the right track? Do you have ideas for other ways?

7. Discuss the role of the family in addictions and recovery. Define codependency.

8. Whyare relationships so important for the recovering addict? What are some components of a healthy relationship?

9. How do types of media affect societal views of addiction and recovery?
a. What values and attitudes do students new to your campus most encounter, regarding: the use of alcohol and drugs as a necessary part of campus life?
b. Give 2 specific examples.

10. Takethe Self-Evaluation (20 questions developed at Johns Hopkins
University in Baltimore, Maryland.) on p. 15. [Keep your answers to yourself.]
a.Does this appear to be an accurate way to identify whether an individual’s use of mood altering substances is crossing over the line into possible addictive use? Explain your answer.
b.Describe the six criteria for alcoholism (for our purpose in thischapter, drinking and drugging) culled from the DSM-IV (the American Psychiatric Association listing of recognized mental illnesses) that may be helpful in identifying the presence of addiction.

SUNY Canton Edwin Mensah
Drugs and Society May 17th, 2011

Professor Drowne
Final Exam
Answer Response

1 – I would define addiction as a physical and psychological dependence onpsychoactive substances which cross the blood-brain barrier once it is ingested, temporary altering the chemical milieu of the brain. It is difficult in determining one set of definition for addiction because there are so many different types of addiction, such as drug addiction, sexual addiction, and many more also you never know what the addiction may have on the person it can probably be used asa(n) positive or negative effect.

2 – It is just as the reading for tales “People are not all the same. Even the subjective experience of drug use, addiction, and recovery vary from person to person. Yet, for all the differences, there are common themes and realities that cut across the lines of every addiction and recovery story, regardless of culture, gender, type of drugs used, or the wildlydifferent circumstance of the individual drug user.

3 – Alcoholism is a chronic, life-long disease, such as diabetes. However, if it is managed properly, damage to the brain can be stopped and to some extent reversed. “The existence of alcoholism as a disease is accepted by some within the medical and scientific communities although critics exist. The American Medical Association (AMA) haddeclared that alcoholism was an illness in 1956.” In 1991, The AMA further endorsed the dual classification of alcoholism by the International Classification of Diseases under both psychiatric and medical sections. Their reasoning was that alcoholism met the five criteria the association required for a disease. Those five are:

1. A pattern of symptoms. Regardless of differences betweenindividuals, the symptoms of addiction to alcohol can be categorized and used as an assessment standard to indicate the presence of an addiction.

2. Chronicity. The disease of alcoholism is a chronic condition. There is a special importance for the addict and their loved ones in understanding the nature of chronicity with alcoholism. An alcoholic is always an alcoholic. The disease can be arrested, but...
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