Anne Frank

Páginas: 4 (936 palabras) Publicado: 26 de octubre de 2012
Name: Isabella Lorduy Ariza

Their Rights Were Violated, but Our Faith in Them Prevailed

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights is an essential and significant achievement of theinternational community. It reminds us about morals, values and ethics; in addition, it also explains how we must behave among others based on determined but respectful actions. This official document representsmaturity, advancement, and improvement of the human mind. But then again, it is really discouraging knowing that this official text was born because of an atrocious act: The World War II. There wereapproximately 1.5 million children killed in this hostility and one of them was Anne Frank, a beautiful young girl full of insight and perceptiveness, Anne not only left her memories, she also left alesson that will always be remember. As a Jew and inmate of one of the thousands horrific concentration camps, Anne and her family suffered the violation of many Human Rights which are crucial andvital in any human life. There were countless rights that were infringed; among them we can identify: - “You have the right to live, and to live in freedom and safety” – “Nobody has the right to treatyou as his or her slave” – “Nobody has the right to torture you” – “Nobody has the right to put you into prison, to keep you there, or to send you away from your country unjustly, or without a goodreason” and “you have the right to profess your religion freely, to change it, and to practice it either on your own or with other people”.

As humans, we may wonder ourselves why we are living, orwhat is our purpose in life; however, it is when we see ourselves trapped in situations filled with struggle and death that we realize how precious life is. The right to live is one of the main rights inthe Declaration of Human Rights. Unfortunately, Anne, along with her sister Margot and their mother, were killed in the concentration camps, leaving their dreams, anecdotes and hopes buried in the...
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