Aprender Chino

Páginas: 20 (4962 palabras) Publicado: 20 de febrero de 2013







Yale University Press

New Haven and london

Copyright © 1994 by Yale University.

All rights reserved. This book may not be reproduced, in whole or in part, including illustrations, in any form (beyond that copying permitted by Sections 107 and 108 of the U.S. Copyright law and except by reviewers for thepublic press), without written permission from the publishers. The original title, "Uir dig skriva kinesiska terken,' was published by Studentlitteratur, lund, Sweden, 1992. Copyright © johan Bjiirksten and Studentlitteratur, lund, Sweden, 1992.

Designed by Deborah Dutton. Set in Sabon and Gill Sans Condensed type by The Composing Room of Michigan, Inc., Grand Rapids, Michigan. Printed in theUnited States of America by Edwards Brothers, Inc., Ann Arbor, Michigan.

library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Bjiirksten, johan, 1964[Uir dig skriva kinesiska tecken. English1 learn to write Chinese characters p. cm.

johan Bjiirksten.

Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-300-05771-7 (alk. paper)
I. Chinese characters.

2. Chinese language-Writing.



1994 93-41542 CIP

495.1 82421-dc20

Acatalogue record for this book is available from the British library.

The paper in this book meets the guidelines for permanence and durability of the Committee on Production Guidelines for Book longevity of the Council on library Resources.


9 8 7 6 5 4 3

To Cecilia


Acknowledgments Introduction IIX

The History and Structure of Characters 4
looking Up Characters in a Dictionary 17

The Aesthetics of Characters: Alive on Paper 19 Writing Characters 27
The Tools of Writing 27 How to Practice 19 The Basic Strokes 31 Some Composite Strokes 43 Stroke Order 46

The Aesthetics of Characters: Composition 50
Some Characters Have a Key Stroke 50 Characters Fit in Imaginary Squares 52Repeated Elements Are Executed with Variation 54 Some Characters Have left and Right Parts 55 Some Characters Have left, Middle. and Right Parts 57 Some Characters Have a Top-Bottom Structure 58 Framed Characters 59 AFew Difficult Characters S9

The Radicals 63

A Poe man d M r e Char act e r s toP r act ice 90 0
"A Thought on a Still Night" 90 Characters to Practice 95

Suggested Readings 113Guide to Chinese Pronunciation 115



f Cha r act er s I I 9


The model characters were written by Yan Ruimin, keen pedagogue and expert on fountain pen calligraphy. I am grateful for all the late nights on which he shared his expertise with this Swedish novice, as well as for his patience with my incessant changes in the manuscript and the resulting newcalligraphic work. Cecilia Lindqvist spotted uncountable errors in drafts of the manuscript and contributed many ideas on the teaching of characters. Without her generous help this book would not exist in its present form. I would also like to thank Qing Yang for providing the drawings for figures 18 and 19, Jonas Arnqvist for his aid with the word processing and review of the text, Jussi Karlgren forhis usual enthusiasm and comments on style, and Johan "It-is-totally-unnecessary-to-practice-characters" Nilsson for innumerable opportunities to hone the pro-calligraphy arguments (and for his thorough language editing and help with the original layout), as well as Maarten de Chateau, Magnus Fiskesjo, Kjell Fornander, Goran Leijonhufvud, and Li Congjia for reading and commenting on the material.David Pankenier provided many valuable suggestions, especially on the English technical terms. My warm thanks to Terry Wolkerstorfer for his thorough review of my English. Finally, I would like to thank the professionals at Yale University Press, especially my editor, Mary Pasti, whose painstaking and enthusiastic work has made this wonderful English edition possible.


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