Arte Americana

Páginas: 6 (1261 palabras) Publicado: 2 de noviembre de 2012
Please write a three page paper about the the transformative power of art as you experienced it this semester.

This is a broad topics. Be inventive and creative. The paper can involve your personal experience, your opinion on art in general, a deeper exploration of select artists you believe to be transformative or able to transform, or your particular experience of your museum visit. Thegoal of this paper is to show some aspect of your engagement with art this semester.

The style of the writing can be quite informal, but please make sure it's grammatically correct. Proofread carefully, including spelling. Make sure to find proper names and spellings for artists and artwork. Be very specific in your references and descriptions.
This is a personal paper. All words should be yourown. The paper is about thinking, not reciting information. However if you do use an idea or fact from a source, you need to cite that source properly with a bibliography and footnote. Specific observations about an artwork that are your own and do not need to be footnoted. Neither do references to artists or comparisons between artist or artworks, as long as they are your own.

Please submitboth online under SUBMISSIONS (at the bottom of the assignment) and hand in a hard copy in class.

The value of this paper is 5% of your grade, so make notes and think ahead. Make it really good!

If it helps, think about writing a letter to someone who you want to engage in art as you have experienced it.

Feel free to discuss on the attached message board.

Paper should be no less than 3pages standard 12 pt type, double spaced with 1" margins.
You are welcome and encouraged to attach visuals, but the text should be three pages as described above.
I will be happy to comment on your drafts if you attach them to a message board post.

By: Catherin Fernandez.

Dear Jennifer:

Oh my God!!!
I had so much fun and I have to tell you all about it. I went to the Brooklyn museumin New York City. Just going to the museum was like an adventured. The first thing that happened to me was that my car didn't want to start and then my boyfriend wasn't ready to go so everything was like complicated at the time that I was on my way to NYC. When we got to NY we were stuck in traffic. After that entire situation we finally got to the art museum. I was really happy!!! The firstthing that I noticed was that the building had beautiful statues on the top. When we got inside the first thing that you see is the mural of Hispanic people, Ex; Pit-bull. The second thing that you see is the art of the Africans, their music and different masks.
Then we got to the second floor we saw the Islamic art. It was amazing to see the clothes and the paintings. The third floor we saw Europeanpaintings. It was amazing to see all those paintings and how they express their feeling throw it. One of the paintings that i found more interesting was one of Picasso. It's incredible how he use color and lines. In that same floor we saw the Egyptian art. OH may god!!! Is amazing how they draw in their thumbs. I thought that inside the thumbs they didn’t have the bossy of the person but when Isaw to video of how they study the mummies, it was amazing. My boyfriend didn’t stop talking about it.  After they told me that the analyzed the bodies of the mummies I was so scared. It's amazing how the Egyptians buried their people. After that amazing experience in the second floor I was really nervous to see what was coming next.
Then we got to the third floor “The decorative arts galleries".It was amazing how people from the south lived compare to the people in the north. When we got to the representation of the houses of the north people, it was like seeing a scary movie. I was like Oh my God I don't know why but I don't like this part. My boyfriend was like “Are you scared? Are you serious? After passing that horrible part Lol!!  We saw an amazing big table. It was like going...
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