Articulo De Edgar Morin

Páginas: 8 (1974 palabras) Publicado: 4 de marzo de 2013

Edgar Morin, successful dissenting voice, is undoubtedly one of the greatest living thinkers. His insistence on proclaiming atheist reflects a clear rejection of theism, the belief in a personal God, but fails to dispel the reader the impression that their proposals greatly favor the re-enchantment of Nature, the "panteización" World.
Systems theory(von Bertalanffy, 1901-1972) was, to Edgar Morin, a starting point, and Aristotle's famous phrase "The whole is more than the sum of its parts", an essential key. He notes, in effect, as von Bertalanffy, that "entities (in some order) integrated entities (higher order)".
Only for him no more ... Complexity is not just the way it is structured nested the world, so that the systemic and clearlyperceived. The complex reality, which is identified with the whole of reality, also has other traits.
Among them the following:
1. Any real entity-and, for that matter, is open-complex in the sense of being integrated relational and energy in a medium consisting of an intricate network of other entities of the same level and other levels, in establishing an exchange entropy and informationalenergy-permanent.
2. At the same time, any entity is also closed, in the sense of having a defined boundary or limit their existence spatial field. However, no limit is absolute or definitive, but may be stable for a long time.
3. Not the linearity but circularity (or better, recursion) which provides the key to Nature. Very often circular dynamics are not "vicious" (become sterile full circle) but are"virtuous" creative.
4. Any entity complex real and therefore displays, to some degree, "appearance purpose", at least as regards their self-maintenance. Teleonomy not unique to organic life, although it is deployed with maximum expressiveness. Self-organization, mainly based on recursive dynamics in feedback, is a universal phenomenon, moreover, necessarily associated eco-organization (see point1).
5. Something like a "self-identity" seems to be in rudimentary natural entities, because of their self-eco-organization. Although it seems a bit excessive to speak of consciousness in the case of non-living, the fact is that a model based on self-organizing closing more informational openness provides a basis for that it can theoretically sketched a very basic level, even far behind (or verybottom) in the "Great Chain of complex reality" inextricably solidarity, moreover, as a network with multiple entitativos knots.
6. Emergent properties of the entities that arise in the higher levels of integration, which postulates systemism are also supported by the approach of complexity, but considering that the "I" is also part of the complex reality network and that the properties andqualities of all it also is, somehow involved. The "reality-in-itself" is certainly there, but a sensible and intelligible world only arises from the interplay between this reality and the subject, only born in the interface of both, so that every discovery (eg, emergent properties ) has created something, and vice versa. No wonder that Escher's drawings are beloved icons of Edgar Morin.
7. Theinherently complex nature of Reality leads not "down" on a basic level simple. The complexity and from there on the same basis, Edgar Morin says flatly. But from the time complexity is defined as "the inability to break something into parts using an algorithm quite simple, even unlimited long", it can be concluded that there is, according to Morin, any truly elementary physical socket to whicheverything can be reduced. Nature takes on multiple levels, all of the same ontological category, that are revealed by consciousness (which is, in turn, a product of that same nature that it helps to shape).
See nature from the complexity and holism
The conception of an essentially complex, Edgar Morin, leads to the abandonment of the Method of Descartes, that part of ontological assumptions false and...
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