
Páginas: 3 (542 palabras) Publicado: 11 de noviembre de 2012
First day of school

The first day of school there were no classes, as teachers went into gear to give them issste.
Guanajuato that day comes, the next day I greet all my friends who had not seenmuch since I had gone on vacation, arrives telling them how it went and they also told me they did all this long time, we did not know classes that we had but reached the same number of teachers thatwe already had previously
Some teachers did not know which room to reach because their hours had not yet accommodated, and all talked a lot about our experiences in one vacation stop talking andteachers said nothing at the same as the first day of school so everyone was still talking of all holidays for my part I had many things to say, I went to see the mummies of Guanajuato, the museum oftorture or of the Inquisition where all the instruments of torture that were used in those days, the dam cube, eating snow Salvatierra carafe, to buy candy and more too many parts of the festivities ofthe ranch where I went, and that was in rodeos ranches nearby and so was my first day of school

On the way to the adder
Here we can see many people walking THROUGH the street, in the lower leftcorner we see a woman with short hair and glasses red suerter, walking with an elderly lady with gray hair and brown sweater, walking behind them in the opposite direction is observed a man with bluesweater and yellow rays. in the middle of the left reach different view towels cartoons, Pooh, Tinkerbell, Tweety and, on the right we can see a man long sleeve gray shirt, with black aviator glasseshanging neck, levis pants, sandals, and left hand touching the neck, and on the same hand has a clock, behind this we see another, or of red cap, blue shirt, brown pants next to a lady bringing a grayshirt, blue pants and tennis, which is seeing some orange scarves, pink and black, on the same line there is a girl with light blue pants, sandals and pink blouse holding in his left hand a toy and...
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas