
Páginas: 2 (496 palabras) Publicado: 1 de abril de 2011
will/shall |To be = Ser, estar |To have = tener, haber |To do = hacer | |Future |Present |Past |Present |Past |Present |Past | |I will/shall |I am |I was |I have |I had |I do |I did | |You will |Youare |You were |You have |You had |You do |I did | |He will |He is |He was |He has |He had |He does |He did | |She will |She is |She was |She has |She had |She does |She did | |It will |It is |It was|It has |It had |It does |It did | |We will/shall |We are |We were |We have |We had |We do |We did | |You will |You are |You were |You have |You had |You do |You did | |They will |They are |They were|They have |They had |They do |They did | |Vamos a empezar con el auxiliar "to be" (ser, estar). Utilizamos este verbo en presente simple para formar el presente continuo de los otros verbos.Ejemplo

I am reading a book.
Estoy leyendo un libro
I am not reading a book.
No estoy leyendo un libro
Are you reading a book?
¿Estás leyendo un libro?

Utilizamos el verbo "to be" (ser, estar) enpasado simple para formar el pasado continuo de los otros verbos.


I was reading a book.
Estaba leyendo un libro
I was not (wasn't) reading a book.
No estaba leyendo un libro
Wereyou reading a book?
¿Estabas leyendo un libro?

Utilizamos el verbo auxiliar modal "will / shall" (indica futuro) para formar el futuro de los otros verbos.


I will read a book tomorrow.Leeré un libro mañana
I will not (won't) read a book.
No leeré un libro
Will you read a book?
¿Leerás un libro?

En segundo lugar, explicaremos el auxiliar "to have" (tener, haber). Loutilizamos en presente simple para formar el presente perfecto simple del resto de los verbos.


I have read a book.
He leído un libro
I have not (haven't) read a book.
No he leído un libroHave you read a book?
¿Has leído un libro?

Lo utilizamos en pasado simple para formar el pasado perfecto simple del resto de los verbos.


I had read a book.
Había leído un libro
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Conviértase en miembro formal de Buenas Tareas