Aspectos importantes 1810 (ingles)

Páginas: 6 (1476 palabras) Publicado: 24 de agosto de 2010
“aspectos importantes de 1810”

1. In this epoch there were in use luxurious and embroidered pomps.
En esta época se utilizaban atuendos lujosos y bordados.
2. The men were using short suits, elegant hats and shoes with tops.
Los hombres usaban trajes cortos, sombreros elegantes y zapatos con puntas.
3. The women, wereusing skirts that are expanded towards the feet, with big laces, which were including the shirt.
Las mujeres, usaban faldas que se ensanchan hacia los pies, con grandes encajes, que incluían la camisa.
4. Under this one a doublet is used, to heighten the bust.
Debajo de esta se usa un jubón, para realzar el busto.
5. They were in use for his confection, it sedates her, the wool of sheep andthe skins.
Se utilizaban para su confección, la seda, la lana de oveja y las pieles.
6. The influential class of then is dressed copying the mode of Paris.
La clase influyente de entonces se viste copiando la moda de Paris.
7. The gentlemen were dressing to the style Englishman were combining dark jacket, with tight short trousers in white, naturally or yellow.
Los caballeros se vestían alestilo inglés combinaban chaqueta oscura, con ceñidos calzones cortos en blanco, natural o amarillo.
8. The influential class of then is dressed copying the mode of Paris.
La clase influyente de entonces se viste copiando la moda de Paris.

1. The shoes of the lady are in the habit of being of fabric, handmade and in some cases, take one that another embroidery.
Los zapatos de ladama suelen ser de tela, hechos a mano y en algunos casos, llevan uno que otro bordado.
2. The shoes were of fabric, generally whites or blacks, they same were sewing and embroidering them with mostacillas.
Los zapatos eran de tela, generalmente blancos o negros, ellas mismas los cosían y bordaban con mostacillas
3. The shoes were imported from Europe and had big clasps of bronze, were verycostly.
Los zapatos se importaban de Europa y tenían grandes hebillas de bronce, eran muy costosos.

1. The weight has been the currency of Colombia from 1810.
El peso ha sido la moneda de Colombia desde 1810.
2. The weight replaced the royal one to an exchange rate of 1 weight = 8 royal ones.
El peso reemplazó al real a una tasa de cambio de 1 peso = 8 reales.
3. The lastcoins of royal were coined in 1880.
Las últimas monedas de real fueron acuñadas en 1880.
4. The current system of 100 cents for the weight was in use for the first time in 1819 appearing in the tickets.
El sistema actual de 100 centavos para el peso se utilizó por primera vez en 1819 apareciendo en los billetes.

Important prominent figures.
Personajes importantes.
Presidente.The president of this epoch was Don Mateo of Bull and Zambrano, the Count of the Conquest.
El presidente de esta época era Don Mateo de Toro y Zambrano, el Conde de la Conquista.
He was a 85 year old Creole.
Era un Criollo de 85 años.
It was living what is today the Museum Coloured House.
Vivía en lo que es hoy el Museo Casa Colorada.
He was A Weak person of character, inexpert in publicmatters and suffering from an arteriosclerosis that was making it forget important agreements.
El era Débil de carácter, inexperto en asuntos públicos y aquejado de una arteriosclerosis que lo hacía olvidar acuerdos importantes.
In his better years it had differed for his good judgment, temperature and resolution.
En sus mejores años se había distinguido por su buen juicio, temple y resolución.Vice-president

The vice-president was Jose Antonio Martínez de Aldunate.
El vicepresidente era José Antonio Martínez de Aldunate.
He was the Bishop of Santiago.
El era el Obispo de Santiago.
He was a Creole Criollo, 79 years.
El era un criollo Criollo, 79 años.
It was not present in the chapter because he was in Guamanga's episcopate from 1803.
El No estuvo...
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