
Páginas: 6 (1422 palabras) Publicado: 21 de noviembre de 2012

According to Holec autonmy is defined as: “the ability to take charge of one’s own learning”, noting that this ability “is not inborn but must be acquired either by ‘natural’ means or (as most often happens) by formal learning, i.e. in a systematic, deliberate way”, and pointing out that “To take charge of one’s learning is to have [...] the responsibility for all the decisionsconcerning all aspects of this learning [...]” (Holec 1981, p.3).
“At the moment of developing strategies students acquire more independency (Oxford en Richards y Renandya, 2002).
Teachers of basic education have an important role inside the classroom for children because they facilitate their acquisitions appropriate learning knowledge and concepts that will form the foundation of further learning(Anderson, Wilson & Fielding: 1988; Neuman, & Celano; 2001: Stanovich, 1986).
Independence is strengthened as the kids are realizing that the responsibility for their actions belongs to themselves. This is why educators should give them the chance of doing activities on their own.

One of the reasons why this resource to be implemented at Rucalhue School for second graders calledpicture Pictionary is important for children, is the autonomy that they will develop by making and managing their own work.
Since we are young we start making decisions for daily life and not talking about only academic issues but also ordinary things that made our leaving a challenge. This process of autonomy does not finish with school years; we progress in autonomy over life, learning from us andothers every day.

To develop autonomy in the child is required to propel and motivate them to think for themselves without any help from their teacher, as we often make the mistake of telling them all they have to do to ease their way, in a long term this is a waste of time because we are not working for the infant's cognitive part development to be full. Rosa Sesant says: “In pedagogy theonly way to gain time is wasting it”, in other words, we as teacher do not have to facilitate the work in children when they are making their maximum effort to think and solve their problems in their own style. In these cases, children are not only doing less, because for them it is easier that someone else solves the dilemma, but also they are acquiring insecurity by believing they are incapableof doing things by themselves.

Autonomy develops many aspects of children , and one of the most important is their self-esteem. Once they get a high self-esteem they are able to work and think in a better way, as they have the confidence to do what they think is good for them. According to an article about autonomy: “Being autonomous and in control feels good – simply watch the face of a toddlerwho has just learned to walk. Self-esteem grows when we successfully do things for ourselves.
Children can handle mistakes or failure with equanimity and good humor when they feel good about themselves.”

By implementing this resource Picture Dictionary, children are developing their autonomy as they have to make decisions in many parts of the learning process. Despite the fact that there isgoing to be a teacher guiding them, kids are going to expand their independency step by step as lev Vigotsky mencion: “Learning in the Vygotskian conception is to be ​​autonomous and independent ,needing increasingly,less support and help from adults or more experienced peers. The evaluation of learning achievement is assessed from the greater or less need to have the apprentice to learn theother”.
As an example of this, is that they have to choose whether to color with pink, black, and blue or yellow their drawings. Also they have to think about what drawing they want to do, what type of letter they decide to use, etc.
We as teachers only need to guide the student just in the case he / she cannot do something that is out of reach. This work in children is applying to their...
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