
Páginas: 2 (296 palabras) Publicado: 26 de abril de 2012

Avatar the movie is very good. But in my opinion one of the parties would exchange when I started, instead of starting in a lab I would haveliked to start on a planet. That would make it more interesting. Since your physical is very much like a Martian, and more with eyes. I think this movie would bemore interesting than it is. Since your physical look with those eyes Martians and more. Also this movie will exchange part of the war for the part where thenatives brutally killed I did not like. I wish I had known that they tried to put into practice their customs and the things they do in their habitat. Carryingthe message of nature is as to how to care for each. But the goal is to save our planet from much damage. And include in the message about how to stop harming ourplanet earth. Should this war is to save with love rather than economic interest. We will also exchange the part that burned the world of Avatar. For thatcaused damage and pain to the Avatars. In this part are reflecting the intolerance that today we must improve. We respect all people regardless of race, color andrespect the cultures of each. Also the part that Grace died as it was the very fundamental character of the movie. Its basis was scientific and did not have theinterest to exploit resources in contrast struggle to preserve them. And finally I would change the moment the army's combat fight with the hero and almostfinished the movie. Better out that we all have had a happy ending. The purpose was to have managed to save the environment and to embrace all without any problem.
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