
Páginas: 2 (339 palabras) Publicado: 30 de octubre de 2012
Environmental impact
One of problems that is affecting at World is the environmental impact.
The effects caused for the humanity activity about the environmental are incalculable.
The ecology,that studies the relation between the livings and it´s environment, it take care of measure this impact and to try of minimize it.
The concept of environmental could be used to make mention to theconsequences of a natural phenomenon (like a tsunami or an earth quake).Although this acceptation is infrequent.
The habitual is that the notion is used to name the collateral effects that imply a certaineconomic exploitation about the environment. This means that a company can to create employ post and this can be arrendable from economic point of seeing, but at the same time destroy the environmentof the adjacent zone of they manufactures. The environmental impact therefore car have consequents about health population, the air quality and the beauty of the landscape.
The evaluation of anenvironmental impacts is perform, through of analysis about the predictable consequences of an activity.
We must be aware of the impacts that have caused and are causing to the environmentfor many years and the results we´re seeing and where we could get but we acted immediately to correct these problems we have been doing to our natural resources and our planet, that is, that theseproblems are for ourselves, because we are self-destructing.
Given this situation we are currently correcting these errors (often unconsciously without knowing the consequences) must act positivelyevery and contribute to not keep doing damage to the environment, nature and the planet for the good of all.
New vocabulary:

About: sobre.
Acceptation: aceptación.
Adjacent: aledaña.
Beauty: belleza.
Be aware: ser consciente.
Between: entre.
Caused: causados.
Consequences: consecuencias.
To correct: v. corregir.
Earth quake: terremoto.
Ecology: ecología....
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