Biografía En Inglés

Páginas: 2 (343 palabras) Publicado: 26 de septiembre de 2012

This is my title "MARIA ANTELO CHAPARRO" because I am, of who I go to speak; as has elapsed my life during these twenty four years.

I was born on 28thJuly,1988 a Thursday at 5:07 pm, after that my twin had borned at 5:00 pm, she is the most lovely person that I have met in my life, because always she has me accompanied in allmy steps.
I had arrived to a little family formed of my daddy, my mommy and my older sister but the family were extend with we: the twins.
When I had five year, i had entered aprivate convent school, its name is Immaculate Heart of Mary where I studied for eleven years. There I presented kindergarten, preparatory and primary up ninth, because my daddiesdecided to travel of to work, then my twin and I decided to change of school.
I remember many things about my childhood, for example the events for my birthday, my mommy made aparty, there was all my family, also gifts, cake and especially the song "happy birthday", for it, always i have tried to do something special with the people that I love andobviously always i hope the day of my birthday. also I have remembered that many times I missed, was very easy  but, I do not blame my Mother because when she found me, she had a tearon her face.
In tenth grade I changed of school, because I did not like much the nuns, the school was very strict and my mom at that time decided to live in the Dorada (Caldas)of work. My twin and I went to study at the school district Unit Basic Americas in Bogotá, where I finished the high school and i graduated in the year 2005. there's where I havestarted to see the life differently, how  my parents, my friends, the schools different  has influenced  in my education?, so I started to live or to know a different world.
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