
Páginas: 12 (2808 palabras) Publicado: 6 de enero de 2013
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I need a list of morals!?
I have to write a fable, but to s tart I need a good moral to put behind it.
So, c ould any one jus t give me a lis t of s ome morals ? I don't c are what they are, I jus t needs ome ideas !
Thank s
4 y ear s ago ( 2008- 11- 08 16:47:34 +0000 ) Repor t A bus e


Be st An swe r - Chosen by Voters
Here is lis t of morals from Aes op's fables :

A bird in the hand is better than two in the bus h.
A bribe in the hand s hows mis c hief in the heart.
A fals e tale often betray s its elf.
A fine appearanc e is a poor s ubs titute for inward worth.
A humblelife with peac e and quiet is better than a s plendid one with danger and ris k .
A man is k nown by the c ompany he k eeps .
A villain may dis guis e hims elf, but he will not dec eive the wis e.
A willful beas t mus t go his own way
A willful man will have his way to his own hurt.
A word in s eas on is mos t prec ious .
Abs tain and enjoy .
Ac quaintanc e s oftens prejudic es .
An ac t of kindnes s is a good inves tment.
Attempt not impos s ibilities .
Avoid a remedy that is wors e than the dis eas e.
Be on guard agains t men who c an s trik e from a dis tanc e.
Be reas onable in y our c ritic is m.
Be s ure that there are others wors e off than y ours elf.
Beauty is only s k in-deep.
Benefits bes towed upon the evil-dis pos ed inc reas e their means of injuring y ou.Better a c ertain enemy than a doubtful friend.
Better poverty without c are, than ric hes with.
Beware of flatterers .
Beware of hy poc rites .
Beware of the c ouns el of the unfortunate.
Birds of a feather floc k together.
Change of habit c annot alter Nature.
Children are not to be blamed for the faults of their parents .
Choos e the les s er of two evils .
Clothes do not mak e the man.Contentment with our lot is an element of happines s .
Couns el without help is us eles s .
Count the c os t before y ou c ommit y ours elves .
Do not attempt to hide things whic h c annot be hid.
Do not attempt too muc h at onc e.
Do not be in a hurry to c hange one evil for another.
Do not c ount y our c hic k ens before they are hatc hed.
Do not enter into danger for the profit of others .Do not lay c laim to a virtue y ou do not pos s es s if y ou would k eep the res pec t of y our friends .
Do not try to do that whic h is not natural to y ou.
Do not was te y our pity on a s c amp.
Do nothing without a regard to the c ons equenc es .
Don't mak e muc h ado about nothing.
Equals mak e the bes t friends .
Even the wis e mus t rec ogniz e their limits .
Every man for himself.
Every man s hould be c ontent to mind his own bus ines s .
Every tale is not to be believed.
Every one is more or les s mas ter of his own fate.
Evil c ompanions bring more hurt than profit.
Evil tendenc ies are s hown in early life.


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I need a lis t of morals !? - Yahoo! Ans wers
Evil wis hes , lik e c hic k ens , c ome home to roos t.
Example is more powerful than prec ept.
Faithful s ervic e s hould long be remembered.
Fals e c onfidenc e often leads into danger.
Figures are not alway s fac ts .
Fine feather friends are not worth muc h.
Fine feathers do not mak e fine birds .
Forc e is not a remedy .
Harm hatc h, harm c atc h.
Harm s eek , harm find.
He is not to be trus ted as a friend who mis treats his own family .
Heis wis e who is warned by the mis fortunes of others .
He who des pis es a humble friend may be doing an ill turn to hims elf.
He who gras ps at the s hadow may los e the s ubs tanc e.
He who s hares the danger ought to s hare the priz e.
He who tries to pleas e every body pleas es nobody .
Hy poc ritic al s peec hes are eas ily s een through.
If men had all they wis hed, they would be...
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