
Páginas: 3 (543 palabras) Publicado: 14 de julio de 2010

These clauses are used to talk about the location or position of something, they are formed with adverb of place in spanish we use donde, and it has as an antecedent in themain clause another adverb, a noun or any other expression that indicates place. in english as in spanish this adverb clause answers the question (Where?)

* La carrera inicia allá dondeestá Martín.
The race begins there where Martin is


These clauses are used to say when something happens by refering to a period of time or to another event. Here we aregoing to use any adverb that indicates time. In Espanish the most common are: cuando, cuanto, antes que, después que, mientras, mientras que, en cuanto, asi que, asi que, etc. Generally all of them havea silent antecedent except cuando, that sometimes has another adverb as an antecedent (apenas, no bien, aun no, luego). In English this adverb clause answers the question (when?)

* Eranlas tres de la mañana cuando nos dijeron la noticia.
It was three o’clock in the morning when we were told the news.

* Ella dormía mientras sus amigos gritaban.
She was sleeping whileher friends were shouting.


These clauses of manner are used to talk about someone’s behavior or the way something is done. In spanish They are formed with theadverb of manner como which is the most used, or with the preposition según, but other expressions can be used if they indicate manner, to those expressions the subordinating clause que can be added: demodo que, de manera que, de forma que, etc. In English this adverb clause answer the question( how?)

* Ellas respondieron como el director dijo.
They answered the way the director said.* Lo hicimos como habíamos acordado.
We did as we agreed.

* El niño se comportó como todo un hombre.
The boy behaved as a man.


These clauses...
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