Budismo en corea (ingles)

Páginas: 7 (1679 palabras) Publicado: 17 de septiembre de 2012
Korean Buddhism Korean Buddhism is distinguished from other forms of Buddhism by its attempt to resolve what it sees as inconsistencies in Mahayana Buddhism. Early Korean monks believed that the traditions they received from foreign countries were internally inconsistent. To address this, they developed a new holistic approach to Buddhism. This approach is characteristic of virtually all majorKorean thinkers, and has resulted in a distinct variation of Buddhism, which is called Tongbulgyo a form that sought to harmonize all disputes by Korean scholars. Korean Buddhist thinkers refined their predecessors’ ideas into a distinct form. Dogen was a Japanese Zen Buddhist teacher born in Kyoto, and the founder of the Soto school of Zen in Japan after travelling to China and training under theChinese Caodong lineage there. Dogen is known for his extensive writing including the Treasury of the Eye of the True Dharma or Shobogenzo, a collection of ninety-five fascicles concerning Buddhist practice and enlightenment. Dogen probably was born into a noble family, though as an illegitimate child of Minamoto Michitomo. His mother is said to have died when Dogen was 7 years old. At some laterpoint, Dogen became a low-ranking monk on Mount Hiei, the headquarters of the Tendai school of Buddhism. Dogen taught a variety of Zen, based on a number of key concepts, which are emphasized repeatedly in his writings. These concepts are closely interrelated to one another. They are all directly connected to zazen, or sitting meditation, which Dogen considered to be identical to Zen. It’s a placeof refuge far beneath our everyday involvements, a place where we turn inward for peace, for the answers to the deepest questions of life, and for the ability to meet our lives with

wisdom, love, and compassion. Zazen is not "step-by-step meditation". Rather it is simply the easy and pleasant practice of a Buddha, the realization of the Buddha's Wisdom. We also have oneness ofpractice-enlightenment, which is the primary concept underlying Dogen's Zen practice. For Dogen, the practice of zazen and the experience of enlightenment were one and the same. This point was succinctly stressed by Dogen in the Fukan Zazengi, the first text that he composed upon his return to Japan from China. Dogen once talked about the oneness of practiceenlightment and said “In buddha-dharma practice andenlightenment are one and the same. Because it is the practice of enlightenment, a beginner's wholehearted practice of the Way is exactly the totality of original enlightenment. For this reason, in conveying the essential attitude for practice, it is taught not to wait for enlightenment outside practice. Dogen has numerous writings. In these we can find the Shobogenzo, Shinji Shobogenzo, Eihei Korokuand Hokojoki. The shobogenzo is Dogen's masterpiece and it’s the talks and writings collected together in ninety-five fascicles. The topics range from monastic practice to the philosophy of language, being, and time. In the work, as in his own life, Dogen emphasized the absolute primacy of shikantaza and the inseparability of practice and enlightenment. Shinji Shobogenzo is a compiled a collectionof 301 koans in Chinese without commentaries added. Often called the Shinji Shobogenzo ( “Treasury of the Eye of the True Dharma” ). Eihei Koroku is lectures that Dogen gave to his monks at his monastery, were compiled under the title Eihei Koroku, also known as Dogen Osho Koroku (The Extensive Record of Teacher Dogen’s Sayings) in ten volumes. The sermons, lectures, sayings and poetry werecompiled shortly after Dogen’s death by his main disciples. These are also Hokojoki and it’s the earliest work by Dogen. This one volume work is a collection of questions and answers between Dogen and his

Chinese teacher, Tiantong Rujing. The work was discovered among Dogen’s papers by Ejo in 1253, just three months after Dogen’s death. Dogen was a really important Japanese Zen Buddhist teacher...
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