
Páginas: 2 (262 palabras) Publicado: 3 de octubre de 2012
I.2. Industry and mining.

Craft production of al-Andalus excelled in numerous fields. Within it is necessary to distinguish which is for domestic consumption-foodproducts (which will be studied in speaking of agriculture) and mostly textile-production luxury and partly intended to export. The textile industry and its annexedcarding, spinning, sizing and dyeing were undoubtedly the most important of Islamic Spain, working on linen, cotton and wool for clothing, blankets and rugs, the leatherand fur employ tanners, manufacturers of furs, pergamineros and shoemakers, the grass is used in the manufacture of mats and baskets ...

Among the other industriesthat do not have great facilities but with a multitude of small craft workshops, it is remarkable pottery, glass work, weapons manufacturing and constructionindustries, which grouped stonemasons, tile makers, masons , carpenters and blacksmiths. Fishing in the Andalusian coast provided work for a major part of the population, andthe same could be said of woodworking: luxury items when it comes to high quality wood mimbares aimed at mosques, inlaid works inlaid with mother of pearl or ivory andwoodwork (intarsia), and common wood destined to shipbuilding.

The Hispano worked well on paper, of course with its consequent cultural impact. The entry of theArabs into contact with the Chinese facilitated the spread of this product by the Islamic world, and if in principle the Chinese used the tissue paper, the Arabs managedto extract the role of cotton, which was introduced late in Baghdad eighth century. In the Spain of the Umayyads spread this activity, especially highlighting Játiva.
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