Cause And Effect

Páginas: 2 (372 palabras) Publicado: 15 de octubre de 2012
Cause and Effect.

Description of the theme:
You’re a doctor. A patient of yours, who is a student, tells you that he has discovered that his roommate is HIV-positive. He is very concerned andwants your advice. What would you tell him?

Research and argumentation:
HIV-positive people are people who have the human immunodeficiency virus HIV, the agent of the currently incurable disease AIDSOver the years of coping with the stigma and discrimination that accompany the diagnosis in most societies, a large number of support groups have been formed. In these groups, the term most oftenapplied to people who are HIV positive is "People Living With HIV/AIDS". This is often abbreviated as "PLWHA", "PLWA", or even "PLA". Recently, "People Living Positively" has also been used.Judgments of the theme:
I will told him that please dont descriminate and judge him for the dissease, he must be more scare than he looks, he can give him support when he get sick and tired, a person withHIV get more virus than the normal people, just he need be careful with dont touch him blood, but doesnt have anything wrong with share the room with him roomate, thanks to new treatments, people livingwith HIV live longer, healthier lives than ever before. There's still no cure, though. And people infected with the virus have to be careful not to take risks (like unprotected sex) that could exposeothers to the disease. Help him friend feel less isolated and less stressed out.

To take care of a friend, you need to care for yourself. It can be hard having a friend who has todeal with a chronic illness. You might feel afraid when your friend is sick, for example, or stressed out if you spend a lot of time standing up for your friend. You might even struggle with thetemptation to pull back from your friendship from time to time so you can avoid the uncomfortable feelings you have. But your friend needs you now more than ever. You can still having your precaution with...
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