Celebraciones Panameñas

Páginas: 11 (2638 palabras) Publicado: 30 de noviembre de 2012

The Day of the Dead is a Mexican celebration that honors Hispanic origin the dead on November 2, starting from November 1, coinciding with the Catholic celebrations of All Souls Day and All Saints.

It's a Mexican holiday, which is also celebrated in some Central American countries, and in many communities in the United States, where there is a largeMexican and Central American population. UNESCO has declared the Mexican holiday as Intangible Cultural Heritage mankind.1 Dead Day is a day celebrated in Brazil, as two Souls Day, but the holiday does not have the same roots that pre-Hispanic Mexican holiday.

The origins of the celebration of the Day of the Dead in Mexico predate the arrival of the Spanish. There are records of Mexican ethniccelebrations, Maya, Purepecha and Totonac. The rituals that celebrate the life of the ancestors in these civilizations are made from at least three thousand years ago. In the pre-Hispanic era it was common practice to keep skulls as trophies and display them during the rituals to symbolize death and rebirth.

The festival that became the Day of the Dead marked the ninth month of the Aztec solarcalendar, near the beginning of August, and was celebrated for an entire month. The festivities were presided over by the goddess Mictecacíhuatl, known as the "Lady Death" (currently related to "Catrina", José Guadalupe Posada character) and wife Mictlantecuhtli, Lord of the land of the dead. The festivities were dedicated to the celebration of children and the lives of deceased relatives.

Lifeand death are an iconic symbol that has caused admiration, fear and uncertainty to humans throughout history. For many years, different cultures have generated beliefs about death that have successfully developed a series of rituals and traditions either to worship, honor, frighten and even to mock her. Mexico is a country rich in culture and traditions, one of the main aspects that make up theiridentity as a nation is the concept we have about life, death and all the traditions and beliefs that revolve around them.


The separation of Panama from Colombia1 was an incident on November 3, 1903, after the War of a Thousand Days, and that sparked the proclamation of the Republic of Panama, formerly a department of the Republic of Colombia since 1821,with brief periods of secession by the isthmus of Panama

Since its declaration of independence from the Kingdom of Spain on November 28, 1821, Panama voluntarily joined New Granada, which integrated nation with Ecuador and Venezuela's Gran Colombia in the understanding that retain autonomy of economic and administrative management.

Sometimes military Isthmian territory, known as the IsthmusDepartment under centralism or Sovereign State of Panama under federalism, had intended separation, independence or self-government Colombian government de facto, the most important in 1830, 1831 and 1832 , meanwhile was subsequently popular revolts in Colombia (actually six civil wars in 82 years). In 1840 and for a year was established the State of the Isthmus, June 7 making a record that isclear to rejoin New Granada if adopted the federal system; 8 9 10 and during part of the War of the Thousand Days (1899 - 1902), civil conflict that devastated Colombia, then nation they belonged Panama, although in a state of rebellion, as many of its leaders were fighting against the conservative government and the Liberal Party for Colombiano.11 12 Subsequently in 1850 and 1868 also he splitthe Isthmus of Colombia, but Colombian effective action with U.S. armed support, restored the territory to the country, invoking Mallarino-Bidlack Treaty.

Sunday dared Obaldfa be appointed governor of the Isthmus, this position had already played before, but he was inclined to the idea of ​​separation. [citation needed]

Jose Agustin Arango, political Isthmian, began working in secret on the...
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