
Páginas: 4 (907 palabras) Publicado: 20 de noviembre de 2014


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18 November 2014 21:37_______________________________________________________________

18 November 2014


Tabla de contenido
1. Reliability of a seated three-dimensional passive intervertebral motion test formobility, end-feel, and pain
provocation in patients with cervicalgia........................................................................................................... 1

18 November 2014ii


Documento 1 de 1

Reliability of a seated three-dimensional passive intervertebral motion test for mobility, end-feel, and
pain provocation in patients with cervicalgia.Enlace de documentos de ProQuest
Resumen: Neck pain can be evaluated with passive intervertebral motion (PIVM). No study has evaluated the
reliability of three-dimensional (3D) segmental PIVM testingof the cervical spine in symptomatic subjects in a
functional, seated position. The purpose of this study was to evaluate inter-rater reliability of such 3D PIVM
technique for pain provocation,hypomobility, and end-feel detection. Subjects (n = 63), age 44±15·6 years,
neck pain 3·4±1·6 cm with visual analog scale, were evaluated by two of three raters with varied manual
therapy educationand experience. To perform the test, the rater passively invoked side-bending motion at each
cervical joint from C2-C3 to C6-C7, allowing segmental synkinetic rotation and extension to occur. Eachjoint
was assessed for hypomobility, hard end-feel, and pain provocation. Kappa statistics were used to determine
the inter-rater reliability for each variable for joints C2-C3 through C6-C7 for boththe most painful and least
painful sides. Percent agreements for pain provocation, hypomobility, and end-feel ranged 65-83%, 62-84%,
and 68-87%, respectively. Kappa values for pain provocation,...
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