
Páginas: 4 (758 palabras) Publicado: 5 de junio de 2013
The Cyrus Cylinder is an ancient clay cylinder on which is written a declaration in the name of the king Cyrus The Great.
The text can be divided into six different parts.
-Line 1 - 19 is anintroduction reviling Nabonidus, the previous king of Babylon, and associating Cyrus with the god Marduk.
-Lines 20 – 22 details Cyrus’s royal titles and genealogy, and his peaceful entry to Babylon.-Lines 22 – 34 talks about a commendation of Cyrus’s policy of restoring Babylon.
-Lines 34 – 35 are a prayer to Marduk on behalf of Cyrus and his son Cambyses.
-Lines 36 – 37 are a declaration sayingthat Cyrus has enabled people to live in peace and has increased the offerings made to the gods.
-Lines 38 – 45 details of the building activities ordered by Cyrus in Babylon.
La peticion dederechos
Son normas para el Rey que él no puede vulnerar y a pesar de su poder, debido a que Inglaterra era una monarquía parlamentaria lo que quiere decir que el Rey no está por encima de las leyesCarta magna

Carta magna fue dictada en 1948 3 años después del término de la segunda guerra mundial cuyo recuerdo aún seguía fresco debido a las brutalidades que se dieron en esta guerra(mutilaciones, torturas, experimentos con humanos y animales, etc.), debido a estas brutalidades fue que se dictaron los derechos humanos en la carta magna
Derechos humanos
1-born free and equal
3-right to live free
4-no slavery
5-no torture
6-universal rights
7-equal before the law
8-protected by law
9-no unfair detainment
10-right to trial
11-innocent till provenguilty
12-right to privacy
13-freedom to move
14-right to asylum
15-right to a nationality
16-marriage and family
17-right to ownership
18-freedom of thought
19-freedom of expression
20-rightto assembly
21-right to democracy
22-social security
23-workers right
24-right to play
25-food and shelter for all
26-right to education
28-fair and free world
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