Coca Cola Project

Páginas: 23 (5671 palabras) Publicado: 27 de octubre de 2011

Advertising 13
Bibliography 18
Bottlers 6
Comparison to other equals products 12
Distribution network 8
Goals 16
History 4
Ingredients 8
Introduction 3
Local competitors 13
Manufacturing process 7
Marketing 16
Mission 6
Monthly Tactics 17
Price 17
Products and brands 11
Strategies 16
Strengths 17
Summary 2
Target Market 18
Vision for sustainablegrowth 6
Weaknesses 17
What is the difference between Coke Zero and Diet Coke? 10
Yearly Marketing Budget 18

Coca cola
1. Summary
Coca-Cola, the product that has given the world its best-known taste was born in Atlanta, Georgia, on May 8, 1886. Coca-Cola Company is the world’s leading manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, used toproduce nearly 400 beverage brands. It sells beverage concentrates and syrups to bottling and canning operators, distributors, fountain retailers and fountain wholesalers. Coca-Cola was first introduced by John Syth Pemberton, a pharmacist, in the year 1886 in Atlanta, Georgia when he concocted caramel-colored syrup in a three-legged brass kettle in his backyard. He first “distributed” the productby carrying it in a jug down the street to Jacob’s Pharmacy and customers bought the drink for five cents at the soda fountain. Carbonated water was teamed with the new syrup, whether by accident or otherwise, producing a drink that was proclaimed “delicious and refreshing”, a theme that continues to echo today wherever Coca-Cola is enjoyed. Coca-Cola originated as a soda fountain beverage in 1886selling for five cents a glass. Early growth was impressive, but it was only when a strong bottling system developed that Coca-Cola became the world-famous brand it is today. Coca-Cola was the leading soft drink brand in India until 1977, when it left rather than reveals its formula to the Government and reduces its equity stake as required under the Foreign Regulation Act (FERA) which governedthe operations of foreign companies in India. In the new liberalized and deregulated environment in 1993, Coca-Cola made its re-entry into India through its 100% owned subsidiary, HCCBPL, the Indian bottling arm of the Coca-Cola Company. The main objective of this study lies in understanding the organization and studying and understanding the consumers’ perception and opinion about the latestproduct, Minute Maid Pulpy Orange, introduced into India, by the Coca-Cola Company. A consumer sampling involving 5.5lakh people was conducted in a span of 30 days across major cities in order to give the product the required marketing push and to recognize the prospective consumers and their opinion in order to develop and market the product in a better way in the near future. The methodology used instudying and understanding the perceived views of consumers towards the product was ‘SAMPLING’. The findings of the activity have been drawn out inform of graphs and suggestions have been offered there from.
2. Introduction
Coca-Cola Company is the world’s leading manufacturer, marketer and distributor of non-alcoholic beverage concentrates and syrups, used to produce nearly 400 beveragebrands. It sells beverage concentrates and syrups to bottling and canning operators, distributors, fountain retailers and fountain wholesalers. The Company’s beverage products comprises of bottled and canned soft drinks as well as concentrates, syrups and not-ready-to-drink powder products. In addition to this, it also produces and markets sports drinks, tea and coffee. The Coca-Cola Company beganbuilding its global network in the 1920s. Now operating in more than 200 countries and producing nearly 400 brands, the Coca-Cola system has successfully applied a simple formula on a global scale: “Provide a moment of refreshment for a small amount of money- a billion times a day.” The Coca-Cola Company and its network of bottlers comprise the most sophisticated and pervasive production and...
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