Comida Nikkei

Páginas: 5 (1066 palabras) Publicado: 22 de abril de 2012
Phrasal Verbs with GO
GO AWAY = leave

I made the neighbor kids go away by yelling at them.

GO AROUND = avoid contact, circumvent

We can't go in the back door we got to go around to the front.

GO BACK = return

When are you going back to school?

GO BACK ON = not keep a promise or ones word

It's hard doing business with them. They always go back on their promises.

GO DOWN =decrease or reduce

The cost of gasoline is going down.

GO FOR = A. try to achieve B. enjoy having, crave (idiomatically: hit the spot)

A. She is going for the gold medal at the national championships.
B. It's so hot out. I could really go for an ice cold glass of lemonade.

GO IN FOR = take part in; participate

Are you going in for football this year after school?

GOINTO = discuss in detail or at length

She didn't go into the reasons for the move.

GO OFF = A. explode B. begin, start (with alarms or signals) C. become angry quickly D. stop (of a machine)

A. The bomb could go off at any moment.
B. The air raid signal went off and scared everyone in the room.
C. He went off in a flash when he heard the news. I've never seen him so upset.
D. The generator went offand we can't get it started again.

GO ON = A. continue B. happen

A. Do go on! I could listen to you sing all day.
B. What's been going on here this morning? This place looks like a pig pen.

GO ON WITH = continue as planned

I think we should go on with the lesson after break.

GO OUT = A. fire stops burning B. social activities; a date

A. The fire went out because we ran out offuel for it.
B. They love to go out on weekends to the movies.

GO OVER = A. review B. succeed; be received well

A. Do you usually go over the tests in class?
B. The comedian's joke didn't go over well with that crowd last night.

GO THROUGH = A. examine, study carefully B. endure; experience difficulties

A. I need to have my lawyer go through this contract before I sign it.
B. I wouldnever want to go through what she has.

GO THROUGH WITH = proceed despite difficulties

I have decided to go through with the move to Berlin.

GO WITH = A. match or suit B. accompany someone C. have as boyfriend or girlfriend

A. That blouse doesn't go with that skirt.
B. I am going with Jill to school.
C. Sarah is going with John. They make a cute couple.

GO WITHOUT = abstain from;not use or need

A camel can go without water for many, many days.

The House of the Future
Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, has a  $53,392,200 house in Medina, Washington.  In his house there are seven bedrooms, twenty four bathrooms and six kitchens.  There is a huge library and even a movie theater.  The security system includes cameras and sensors in the floor.  The house computersystem automatically turns on music when you enter a room.   
1) How many bathrooms are there?
2) How many kitchens are there?
3) Is there a library?
4) Is there a computer system?
5) How many bedrooms are there?
6) Is there a movie theater?
Adolescente | Adolescent, Teenager |
Adulto/a | Adult |
Adulto; Mayor | Grown-up |
Alegre | Cheerful |
Alto |Tall |
Amable | Friendly, kind |
Amable; Dulce | Sweet |
Ambicioso | Ambitious |
Anciano; Mayor | Elderly |
Apuesto/Guapo | Handsome |
Arrogante | Arrogant |
Arruga | Wrinkle |
Aspecto | Appearance |
Atractivo | Attractive |
Bajo | Short |
Barba | Beard |
Bebé | Baby |
Bigote | Moustache |
Bonachón; Afable | Good-natured |
Bueno; Obediente | Well-behaved |
Calvo |Bald |
Carácter | Character |
Chico/Niño | Boy |
Chico; Niña | Girl |
Comportarse/Portarse | To behave |
Cruel | Cruel |
De mal carácter/genio | Bad-tempered |
De mediana edad | Middle-aged |
Decidido | Decisive |
Delgado | Thin |
Distraído | Absent-minded |
Divertido | Amusing |
Educado | Polite |
Encantador | Charming |
Engreído;Vanidoso | Conceited |
Entusiasta |...
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