Como escribir un ensayo academico

Páginas: 9 (2106 palabras) Publicado: 9 de diciembre de 2010
The running head is a shortened version of the paper’s full title, and it is used to help readers identify the titles for published articles (even if your paper is not intended for publication, your paper should still have a running head).
The running head cannot exceed 50 characters, including spaces and punctuation. The runninghead’s title should be in capital letters. The running head should be flush left, and page numbers should be flush right. On the title page, the running head should include the words “Running head.” For pages following the title page, repeat the running head in all caps without “Running head.”
The title should summarize the paper’s main idea and identify the variables under discussion and therelationship between them.
The title should be centered on the page, typed in 12- point Times New Roman Font. It should not be bolded, underlined, or italicized.
Varying Definitions of Online Communication and Their Effects on Relationship Research Elizabeth L. Angeli Purdue University
The author’s name and institution should be double- spaced and centered.
Blue boxes contain directions for writing andciting in APA style.
Green text boxes contain explanations of APA style guidelines.
VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION 2 Abstract This paper explores four published articles that report on results from research conducted
on online (Internet) and offline (non-Internet) relationships and their relationship to computer-mediated communication (CMC). The articles, however, vary in theirdefinitions and uses of CMC. Butler and Kraut (2002) suggest that face-to-face (FtF) interactions are more effective than CMC, defined and used as “email,” in creating feelings of closeness or intimacy. Other articles define CMC differently and, therefore, offer different results. This paper examines Cummings et al.’s research in relation to three other research articles to suggest that all forms ofCMC should be studied in order to fully understand how CMC influences online and offline relationships.
Keywords: computer-mediated communication, face-to-face communication
The word “Abstract” should be centered and typed in 12 point Times New Roman. Do not indent the first line of the abstract paragraph. All other paragraphs in the paper should be indented.
The abstract is a brief summary ofthe paper, allowing readers to quickly review the main points and purpose of the paper.
The abstract should be between 150-250 words. Abbre- viations and acronyms used in the paper should be defined in the abstract.
The title should be centered on the page, typed in 12- point Times New Roman Font. It should not be bolded, underlined, or italicized.
The introduc- tion presents the problem thatthe paper addresses. See the OWL resources on introduc- tions: http://owl.en glish.purdue.e du/owl/resou rce/724/01/
VARYING DEFINITIONS OF ONLINE COMMUNICATION 3 Varying Definitions of Online Communication and Their Effects on Relationship Research
Numerous studies have been conducted on various facets of Internet relationships, focusing on the levels of intimacy, closeness, differentcommunication modalities, and the frequency of use of CMC. However, contradictory results are suggested within this research mostly because only certain aspects of CMC are investigated, for example, email only. Cummings, Butler, and Kraut (2002) suggest that FtF interactions are more effective than CMC (read: email) in creating feelings of closeness or intimacy, while other studies suggest the opposite. Inorder to understand how both online (Internet) and offline (non-Internet) relationships are affected by CMC, all forms of CMC should be studied. This paper examines Cummings et al.’s research against other CMC research to propose that additional research be conducted to better understand how online communication effects relationships.
In Cummings et al.’s (2002) summary article reviewing...
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