Como Se Aprende Una Segunda Lengua

Páginas: 6 (1306 palabras) Publicado: 8 de julio de 2011
HOW LANGUAGES ARE LEARNED How Languages are learned? This a question that researchers has in their mind all the time. How we learn, by imitation, by different rules teachers have introduced , by our parents, by our own. In this essay we ara going to analyse all these aspects and to recognize if we are in good way of learning or if we have to keep on improving the ideas of teaching using, as areference, the book “How languages are learned”. First or all, it is normal to think that children imitate everything adults do. And I think that ,in the beginning, is what they do. But when they are acquiring a language, this fact changes. Actually, children reproduce what they listen and they introduce it into their own structure. For example, in the chapter 1 of this book, we have the interactionbetween Randall (3,0) and his mother. He has a little bump on his hand and his mother sais: “you'd have to take him to the doctor”. Randall reponses: “ Why? So he can doc my little bump?” The point is that he uses the verb “doc” from the noun ”doctor”, by analogy whit farmers who farm or swimmers who swin... This fact, explains us that children do not imitate exactly, they take what they listenand adapt it in their own system. However, they imitate a lot of words and structures while they are learning the language. In my opinion, that is a good base of learning but the main process is their development after listening words, differents contexts, starting to recognize the different kinds of communication. In this point, parents role is very important. Parents are all thetime correcting their children when they say something wrong. For example, when they confuse words because are so similar, but meanings are completely different. In this cases, parents usually correct the grammatical error focusing on the meaning but not on the form. So they are corrected and they see the difference but maybe they do not dominate the forms. Thus they have a lot of grammatical errors.The conclusion woul be that they know speaking but not writing perfectly. In order to learn a first or second language, it is very important to evaluate the intelligence, aptitude, personality and motivational characteristics, learning styles and age of the learner or children. So a learner who has a high IQs has more possibilites to learn satisfactory a language. But this ability does not workwithout one of the other qualities. However, the idea of being the winners is the clue of succesfull. The competitiveness creates the motivation of improving, of being better in whatever we do. If we are motivated, we will be more active, more open-minded. But we have to take in consideration that even you are motivated, you find a lot of problems acquiring a language. It is not the same an adultmotivated than a child motivated because for adults is harder this task. But, in my opinion, motivation is synonymous of success. Other important aspect to analyse are the school programs. School programs should promote the learning of second language as soon as possible. However, it depends on children's context. If childrens have a low level of first language, they should work more the first onebefore starting with the second. We should take in account, as well, the age of learners and the period of time they spend learning because if they do not practice enough, the will not be good speakers. This fact produces a negative influence in second language learners. It is obvious that if learners do not dominate the first language, this fact influences in the second language negatively. Thetipical errors they commit learning second language are because they use the grammar of native language as a reference for studying the second language. That is problem because it produces confusion in the moment of learning and speaking. We have to master the differences between the two languages . The first step is having well development of native language. In relation with the procces of...
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