Comparative Commentary

Páginas: 3 (571 palabras) Publicado: 31 de mayo de 2012
In this commentary i will compare the short story, “Terrified”, of Arthur Tofte with the leaflet “Friends of the earh”. The first one was published in the year 1987 and the second one in the year1994. Although they have like 7 years of difference, they were both written at a time when society started to be aware of the earth pollution, the global warning and its consequences. This is why theyshare the theme of the earth damage because of the pollution and the global warning towards it.
Both texts could share the audience. They have a wide range of audience, specially the first text becausede second one is better for adults probably. This wide range is caused because it’s a problem that worries most of the people, from the younger ones to the elder ones. The authors want to spreadideas of consciousness and information of the global warning. Text 2 (a) represents it in an entertaining way and the Text 2 (b) shares it with a campaign so as to take care of it. Both with an informalstyle, in a colloquial way. The short story uses a sarcastic and pesimistic tone, with a narrator in the third person omniscient. It also uses past tenses and direct speech, with a lot of dialoguebetween Dor and Bob. The second text has a motivating language, and makes people encourage the problem.
Regarding to the internal structure, the short story consists in 35 lines divided in four parts.The first 3 lines are an introduction of the author, about the context, setting and time. He explains that Dor comes from another planet. The second part is between lines 4 and 19, which are somelines with dialogue, the presentation of the main conflict, the gas pollution. From line 20 up to line 23, Arthur Tofte goes deeper into the setting, the space. Finally, in the last 11 lines, there is apresentation of the solution for the Terra’s inhabitants and a new problem for Dor and Tyrox. The leaflet consists in 19 lines divided in three paragraphs. The first paragraph is an invitation to the...
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