
Páginas: 4 (987 palabras) Publicado: 14 de marzo de 2013

* McDonald’s is a franchise because it is independently owned, but it still operates under rules set out by the parent company.

* He pleaded for the strengthto attend the prayer meeting.

* Sale of alcohol at an event requires a license now.

* Apply the rules correctly.

* I am Shareholder of the company Avon

* Customer servicewould be quality control

* Retire early due to I’ll health

* On Sunday morning, the sun greeted the competitors of the garage

* We also employ support staff in wide variety of roles* The U.S. is one of the countries with more discrimination

* My daddy is the sole beneficiary of the estate of my grandfather

* Some roles will also require a recognizedteaching qualification
* Plus you'll earn a 10% cash bonus with ever deposit

* Our company needs an agent to do all the contracts with others companies

* The progress on the course ismonitored by continuous assessment

* Dismissed with the grounds that they are offset by mobility.

* This was to be followed by a series of semi-structured interviews

* The authorizedshare capital is the maximum number of shares a company

* He took his children as a tax deduction so that he could subtract the cost of their care from his taxes

* The state grave severalschool distracts a subsidy to rebuild the schools in those distracts

* Many public employment arenas have been accused of nepotism because workers related to persons in authority are givenpreference in hiring

* A wide range of health promotion is also offered

* We are actively recruiting new members at the moment

* The finished products were then sold by the Molineuxfamily business

* Many companies give stock options as a perquisite in addition to an employee's salary

* There are many laws today that protect worker from sexual harassment

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