Consejos Para Redactar Un Essay Toefl

Páginas: 3 (549 palabras) Publicado: 15 de abril de 2012
Make sure you consider this three topics in the essay:
* State your preference
* Give reasons
* Support with examples

Do you are or disagree
Parents are the bestteachers
Only people who earn a lot of many are successful, do you agree or disagree

1. Introduction: I prefer to live in a big city for three main reasons which are academic, social andprofessional.
2. Reason 1 Academic
3. Reason 2 Social
4. Reason 3 Professional
5. Conclusion everything you have said in the essay with other words

Indicate Preference
Some people prefer tostudy alone others prefer to study with a group which do you prefer
Some people prefer spend free time indoors and other outdoors
Some people like to travel with a companion others prefer to travelalone, use specific reasons and examples to support your choice
Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher
Some people prefer to live in a small town other preferto live a big city, which one do you prefer

If question imaginary question
If you could visit any country in the world which would you like visit
If you could meet somebody famous who would youlike to meet?

Explanation/ Description
What are the characteristics of a good neighbor?
What are the characteristics of a good boss?

Comparison and contrast
Compare the advantages of living atthe university dorms or living by yourself, where you would prefer to live, give reasons for your preference.
1. Introduction
2. Advantages and disadvantages of position A
3. Advantagesand disadvantages of position B
4. Your preference and reasons for that preference
5. Conclusion

The United Kingdom: My dream destination

If I would be able to visit any country in theworld, i would like to visit the United Kingdom, because it is a country i have never been, it has a lot of interesting places to go and i consider it
as an option of residence.
First of all i have...
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