Continental Drift

Páginas: 2 (296 palabras) Publicado: 21 de noviembre de 2012
Continental drift and


Continents have been slowly moving during time. The theory of continental drift says that continents, million years ago, where connected to each other makingonly on continent called Pangea.

The fact of the continents moving has affected the evolution of species. When the land divided in to different continents species where divided as well. This affectedthe reproduction and the climate of their environments. Which leads to the adaptation of the species to their new habitat and their evolution.

To support this theory scientist investigated the waythe continents have move and match the fossils from different species in the continents that where once together.

For example in the Antarcticathey found tropical plants fossils (in form of coal deposits) that led to the conclusion that the Antarctica must have been near the equator before it broke away and froze.

Another examples are theMesosaurus and the Lystrosaurus these two reptiles where found in the coast of South America and in the coast of Africa connecting the two continents.

How the continents where connected is kind ofobvious because of the shapes of the borders, but this wont last long since the tectonic plates still moving.

Fossils also help on the investigation on the evolution. Using the DNA animals fromnowadays can be traced back to their ancestors using the trail of the DNA.

Man can also make evolution. Like the manipulation the growth of the crops and the way domestic animals have developed.Bibliography:






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