Contrata a Amigos

Páginas: 7 (1530 palabras) Publicado: 27 de agosto de 2013
All around the world, students go to school. Some students walk to school, and some go by bus or by train. Some students go by bicycle, and some go by car.
These students are in the USA. They go to school by bus.
In the snow in Canada, some students go to school by sled. In India, some students go to school by rickshaw. How do you go to school?
Let´s look atschool buildings around the world. This school is in Australia. It´s a little school, but many schools in Australia are big.
Here´s a big school in a city. Many students go to this school. It has a big school playground. This school is in South Korea.
These students are at school. They meet their friends. They talk and they are happy.
Listen! That´s the bell. Let´s go to theclassroom.
The students stand in the hallway by the door. The teacher says, ´hello, everyone´. These students have books and notebooks. Can you see them? No, you can´t. they are in their bags.
In the classroom, the teacher says, ´Sit down, please. Open your English books´. It´s an English class.
The teacher has a picture. She says, ´what´s this? ´ One student says, it’s a giraffe.´
Insome classes, students have computer. Do you have computers in your classroom?
In physical education classes, students run, jump, and play. These girls play basketball in their physical education classes.

At lunchtime, these students go to the cafeteria. The lunch gives them food. She puts their food on a plate. The students put their plate on a tray and say, ´thank you´.
Thestudents sit down and eat. They talk to their friends. How are you? ´… ´What´s your favorite soccer team? ´…´Do you have a computer? ´

These students in China wear a uniform. The girls wear black pants. And the boys wear red pants and the wear black pants.
Everyone wears a white shirt and a red tie. Students don’t wear a uniform in every school in China.
These students in Peru wear auniform, too. Everyone wears a purple sweater and a white shirt. The girls wear a gray skirt and the boys wear gray pants. Students don´t wear a uniform in every school in Peru.
Do you wear a uniform?
Students have free time in the day. They run in the school playground or they talk to their friends. Some students play soccer or basketball. These boys and girls play soccer in theirfree time.
Students have free time after school, too. In some schools, there´s a garden. There are flowers and vegetables in the garden. Students help in the garden after school.
In some schools, there´s a band. Students play in the band after school.
Students like school trips. On these days, students don´t go to school. They go with their teacher to a zoo or a museum.
The zoois a favorite school trip for many students. They can see animals and learn about them. These students can see an otter.
Museums are a good school trip, too. These students are in a great museum. The museum has a dinosaur skeleton!
Students go on great school trips and they learn many new things. They learn many new things with their teachers at school, too.
Thank you, teachers!1VAMOS A IR A LA ESCUELA
En todo el mundo, los estudiantes van a la escuela. Algunos estudiantes caminan a la escuela, y algunos van en autobús o en tren. Algunos estudiantes van en bicicleta, y algunos van en coche.
Estos estudiantes se encuentran en los EE.UU... Ellos van a la escuela en autobús.
En la nieve en Canadá, algunos estudiantes van a la escuela en trineo. En la India, algunosestudiantes van a la escuela por el rickshaw. ¿Cómo usted va a la escuela?
Echemos un vistazo a los edificios escolares de todo el mundo. Esta escuela se encuentra en Australia. Es una pequeña escuela, pero muchas escuelas en Australia son grandes.
Aquí hay una gran escuela en una ciudad. Muchos estudiantes van a la escuela. Tiene un gran patio de la escuela. Esta escuela se...
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