
Páginas: 4 (821 palabras) Publicado: 19 de octubre de 2014
Nowadays education is the base of all values and culture, in Mexico there are about 50 million, which at least the half of that don’t have the resources to study.
Only 36% Mexicans study in highschool.
I recently had information that the young people in ages between 14-18 years are the most illiterate people in the country.
The people widely thought that don’t have skills for the school.The scientists have been reported that skills and knowledge are drawn from the experience.
The people are thought that work and study is impossible.
They have to work because they don’t have a goodliving, or their parents don’t have the money to finance their education.
When a person star working at a young age, they star to like having money, so they quit studying, because they think theeducation is not that necessary for getting a job.
I suggest that young people are reason, when we are talking for the school because need know importance for education.
The satisfaction you feel whenyou finished your work is too great because you are competent and efficient.
In the other countries just 5% the young people don’t have studied while 20% Mexicans are not studying
The government hasstarted with a new laws and rules for the education.
What would are you for the change?
So I favor for the education, the government and people young should make the change.

Movimientosrelativos de la tierra respecto al sol

La tierra tiene un movimiento de rotación en torno a un eje y otro de translación de forma elíptica alrededor del sol (fig. 1). El primero de estos movimientoshace que un punto sobre ella se vea iluminado de forma periódica por el sol, originando el día y la noche, el segundo movimiento hace que los tiempos de exposición al sol sean variables originando lasestaciones. Esta variación en los tiempos de exposición es debido a que el eje de rotación de la tierra permanece prácticamente siempre paralelo a si mismo con un ángulo de 66º 33` respecto al plano...
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