Crime In Mexico

Páginas: 3 (730 palabras) Publicado: 10 de octubre de 2012

Crime, an unlawful activity.
Good afternoon judges, fellow competitors and my beloved audience.
Today I stand infront of you to talk about something that concerns all of us,from adults, to children and to people my age, which I think have the most important paper in this society because we are in that certain age to start the change, and we should, because as Seneca said“he who does not prevente a crime when he can, encourages it”, and I think that could make all of us criminals could´nt it?
So yo might be thincking no this is not true because we are not the criminals,but in a certain point of view we are because the most of us are not doing anything to prevente this crimes neither to start a change as we should, because that is our roll as citizens of thiscountry.
Now lets take a second to think in which crimes are commited in Mexico and tell me which crimes are the first that jump to your head, kidnaping, drug dealing, assaults, corruption maybe, well yesthose are the words that jumped into my mind first, but then I thought what is the problem why is Mexico such an unsafe place, why do mexican society have so many crimes and then something Henry ThomasBuckle ones said jumped into my mind “society prepares the crime, the criminal commits it”.
Yes people we as society prepare the nation for this crimes to happen, and to get a solution for thiscrime problema we should first admire the problem yes people admire it, because by admiring the problem then we will be able to defeat it, and how you might be thincking.
Well Im sure that to fix thisproblema we have to go back to when this society was great where our Mexico was filled with virtues, when values where what made a person respected, not money neither power, because dont lie to me moneyand power are the main things our society judges and Napoleon Bonaparte was really right about this he ones said there are two levers to set a man in motion, fear and self-interest “, and this...
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  • Crimen organizado en mexico
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