Cuestionariodrp inicial

Páginas: 8 (1953 palabras) Publicado: 22 de noviembre de 2010

Cuestionario Preliminar para el Dimensionamiento del Plan para la Recuperación de Procesos y Sistemas de Información en Casos de Desastre

| | Prepared by:Hewlett-Packard [ Project Document Id ]Date Prepared: [Date Prepared] |

Document Information
Project Name: | |
Project Manager: | | Document Version No: | |
Opportunity Roadmap Phase: | | Document Version Date: | |Quality Review Method: | [ Peer Review ] | | |
Prepared By: | | Preparation Date: | |
Reviewed By: | | Review Date: | |
Distribution List
From | Date | Phone/Fax |
| | |
| | |

To | Action* | Due Date | Phone/Fax |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
| | | |
* Action Types: Approve, Review, Inform, File, Action Required, Attend Meeting, Other (pleasespecify)
Version History
Ver. No. | Ver. Date | Revised By | Description | Filename |
| | | | |

Disclaimer Notice

This confidential information is to be used by the recipient only for the purpose, for which it is supplied, which is solely to enable the recipient to evaluate the technical solution proposed by HP.

Whilst every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of allinformation and statements contained in this document, the information and recommendations contained in it are based on Hewlett-Packard’s understanding of the data and information supplied by >Company> and the assumptions detailed in the document.
Given that changes in requirements may occur, and that final performance will depend on a variety of factors, not all of which are known in detail at thisstage, none of the statements in this document constitutes a representation for which HP can accept any liability.

Ownership of Rights. Supplier acknowledges and agrees that all Deliverables and materials generated in relation to the Project (including the Design, Implementation and Services) shall be deemed “Results” as set out in Article 17 of the FrameworkAgreement and upon their creation shall vest in and be the absolute property of OSA (such Results vesting in OSA under this Contract as they do in relation to France Telecom under Article 17.2 of the Framework Agreement). Supplier as a condition of this Contract hereby assigns or agrees to assign (as the case may be) all Intellectual Property Rights in such Results to OSA (free from all encumbrances).Copyright Notices. Supplier will incorporate and display all relevant notices (including copyright notices) in relation to Results to reflect OSA’s ownership


I. Objetivo
Conocer las características generales de la organización, con la finalidad de presentarle una propuesta personalizada y a su medida; asimismo, contar con bases para proponerle soluciones y recomendacioneseficientes que vayan de acuerdo a sus requerimientos, necesidades o expectativas.
II. Datos de la persona que llena el cuestionario.

Item | Pregunta | Respuesta |
1 | Nombre completo: | |
2 | Area: | |
3 | Responsable del area: | |
4 | Puesto: | |
5 | Antigüedad en el puesto: | |
6 | Teléfono: | |
7 | Antigüedad en la empresa: | |
8 | Fecha de llenado delcuestionario: | |


III. Datos de la empresa.

Item | Pregunta | Respuesta |
1 | Razón social de [ Customer Name ]: | |
2 | ¿Donde se encuentra ubicado el edificio principal? | |
3 | Actividades principales de [ Customer Name ] (Giro). | |
4 | Mencione las unidades de negocio con las que cuenta [ Customer Name ] (De ser posible anexeorganigrama hasta un segundo nivel). | |
5 | ¿Se tienen priorizadas las unidades de negocio? (De ser posible anexe el listado) | |
6 | ¿Cuál es el número de localidades a atender en caso de una contingencia? | |
7 | ¿Cuál es el número de personas que laboran en [ Customer Name ]? | |
8 | ¿Conoce al personal clave de la empresa y lo tiene identificado y documentado? | |
9 | ¿Sus...
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