
Páginas: 14 (3286 palabras) Publicado: 5 de abril de 2011
Critical Listening
If you have to hear, you will receive, and if you have to listen, you will be wise - Ben Sira
In this unit, we will identify the main differences between listening and hearing and the different types of listening according to the cognitive level involved. We will identify the different types of sources of interference or noises which are classified as internal,external, and semantic. This will help us differentiate good listeners from poor listeners in order to help ourselves improve our skills as critical listeners of speeches.

2.1. What constitutes effective listening.

2.2. Sources of interference

2.2.1. Internal noise.

2.2.2. External noise.

2.2.3. Semantic noise.

2.3. Developing your critical listening skills byattending, understanding, remembering, and evaluating.

2.4. Developing your first speech

2.4.1. Evaluating a Speech

2.4.2. Guidelines for Evaluating Speeches  

2.5. Vocabulary -Verb List

2.6. Vocabulary -Word List


Specific Learning Objectives:
By the end of this unit students will be able to:

2.1    Distinguish between hearing and listeningand the different types of listening

2.1.1. Understand the concept of effective listening

2.1.2. Identify the characteristics of effective listening

2.2.    Identify the different factors that interfere with effective listening and compare good listeners to poor listeners.

2.3. Identify and analyze the phases of the listening process than can be developed as skills to improve criticallistening.

2.4. Apply the concepts learned by giving a speech.

2.4.1. Evaluate their performance and develop a plan for improvement.

2.4.2.. Prepare the first speech which will be a narrative or a self-introduction speech.

2.4.3. Present the first speech to classmates.

2.5. Learn new vocabulary words including their meaning and their function as parts of speech.

Unit 2EFFECTIVE Listening
The art of public speaking is an effort to overcome interference so that listeners can accept the invitation to meaning offered by the message 
2.1. What Constitutes Effective Listening?
The Chinese symbol for the verb "to listen" has four basic elements: undivided attention, ears, eyes, and heart. This symbol points out some of the basic differences between simply hearing andactually listening.
  Hearing is an automatic process in which sound waves stimulate nerve impulses to the brain.
  Listening is a voluntary process that goes beyond the mere physical reaction to sounds. At the very least, listening involves hearing, paying attention, comprehending and interpreting. In other words, "the process of receiving, attending to, and assigning meaning to aural and visualstimuli".  
Each concept incorporated in this definition is actually a step or phase in the process of listening: attending, understanding, evaluating, and remembering. These will be discussed later on in this unit.
So in order to listen:
□ You must be able to hear a message in order to listen, even though you don't necessarily listen to everything you hear. You must decide to listen.
□ Youmust focus on the message and block out other noises, distractions, thoughts, or feelings that may compete for your attention.
□ You must interpret the meaning of what you hear in light of your own knowledge and experiences.
□ You need to comprehend what you hear. You must understand both the language and point of view of the speaker.
Effective listening takes the process even furtherinto the realm of critical listening.
Critical listeners analyze and evaluate what they hear, then respond appropriately with constructive feedback to the speaker. The analysis and evaluation stage of effective listening involves examining a message rather than accepting it at face value. It adds a fifth element, "mind", to the Chinese symbol mentioned above. Critical listening allows you to...
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