Dentro de la mente

Páginas: 3 (523 palabras) Publicado: 28 de agosto de 2012

The hurricane season in Puerto Rico. The island of Puerto Rico is an island every year is a time of climate that is threatened by hurricanes. The season starts in themonths of August to November. In Puerto Rico have been hurricanes that have hit the island. Several of the hurricanes that have hit the island have been David in 1979, Hurricane Hortencia in 1996 andGeorge in 1998. Most of these hurricanes that have hit agriculture ervices electricity and potable water. Puerto Rico prepares for hurricane season


An owl it’s awonderful bird. They have big eyes around his faces; they cannot move their eyes so they have the ability to move their neck. Owls hunt mostly small mammals, insects, and others birds, also a few speciesspecialize in hunting fish. They are found in all regions of earth except Antarctica. Owls are characterized by their small beaks and white faces. Owls have binoculars vision. Owl eggs usually have awhite color and an almost spherical shape, and range in number from a few to a dozen, depending on species.


Legalization of the drugs. I agree not that legalize the drugs inPuerto Rico. That I believe the legalization of the drugs in Puerto Rico in you see to be a solution is a problem. If the drugs are legalized that open with their defects but people in the streets andthat can bring negative consequences. Would people handling or directing but I upon publishing under the effects of the drugs. A person has Utilized that drugs can have an aggressive behavior and toendanger the life of other people. I Understand that would in a company but cannot People that reason and to be useful.


Larry suddenly woke up from a deep sleep. The sun wasdazzling his half-open eyes, and he couldn’t figure out what time it was. The door to his room was closed; the house was immersed in some sort of reckless silence. He slowly got out of his bed and...
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