Deportes antiquos y spectaculos

Páginas: 3 (647 palabras) Publicado: 2 de julio de 2011
CLAS 3303-001
Ms. Maloney
July 2, 2011
Part 1: Multiple Choice
1. What piece of equipment used by the Gladiators do we derive their name from?
C. The ShortSword.

2. What was the minimum property requirement in order to have membership in the senatorial class?
A. 1,000,000S.

3. What is the name of the sail-like technology that theRomans used to keep an amphitheater protected from the sun?
B. Velarium

4. What was the first event one would see when visiting the Roman games?
D. Man vs. Beast combat

5. Who was thefamous Roman general who tried to use elephants instead of horses to pull this triumphal chariot?
A. Pompey the Great

6. How did roman charioteers usually hold the reins?
B. Tied securelyaround their waist

7. As what god was the person who collected the corpses in the arena dressed?
D. Charon

8. The bundles of birch rods and axes that symbolized a Roman general’s powerin a Triumph were called what?
A. Fasces

9. What did the sparsores do at a Roman chariot race?
A. They were water boys
10. What did the poet Ovid say about the Circus Maximus?
D.It was a great place to meet women

Part 2: Short Answer
1. What are the various aspects that make up Roman Circus (hippodrome)?
-Used for chariot races.
-Best Shows until the 1st centuryCE.
-12x the area of the Coliseum.
-A U-shape structure.
-Open air stadium.
-Had a barrio down the center (spina)
-Seats for spectators on both sides and around one end.
(Ms. Melony lecturenotes) (

2. Who is Pierre de Coubertin and why is he important to the Olympics?
-Lived from 1863-1973
-French Historian
-Sought to revamp French Education
-Re-established the OlympicGames.
-Is considered the father of the modern Olympic Games
-Believed in sports not in proving themselves in warefare.
(Ms. Melony lecture notes) (

3. Describe the type of...
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