
Páginas: 4 (854 palabras) Publicado: 25 de octubre de 2012
She reaUy needs a lot of help with her math test, so I gave her your
number. Hope you don't mind.

us: Oh, no problem! ActuaUy, I was studying English a while ago when
she caUed me help ber y for math test.
ARiA: Oh, I see! $0 finaUy, she caUed you. WeU, I wa5Cilarng y;;ur
number to ask you for help too when you caUed on the other line.
us: we1t, Iwas drinking a cup of tea when I received her caU and I
invited her for a cup of coffee tomorrow afternoon to study. Why
dont you come too and then the three of us can study together?
IARiA: WeU,that's a great idea! At what time are you both meeting?
us: At four o'dock. Is it O.K. with you?
IARiA: That's just fine. See you tomorrow then.
us: O.K. TiII tomorrow.


alogue 1:
IAN 1: Hey Pete, you are driving very fast!
IAN 2: No, I'm not. I'm driving at 80 Km per hour!
IAN 1: O.K. but the speed limit is 60 Km per hour!IAN 2: Oh, yes, you are right, I can see the sign over there.
IAN 1: O.K. then, slow down!
lialogue 2:
IRL: Mom, is this the supermarket?
10M: Ves, dear, I am trying to park now.
IRL:You cant do it, mom!
10M: Why not honey?
IRL: Because parking is not aUowed in this area!
10M: Oh, yes, you are right! Sorry!
lialogue 3:
(OMAN: What are you doing William?
IAN: I'mturning left to get to the doctor's office.
(OMAN: But you cant turn left here! LOQk at the sign!
IAN: What sign?
(OMAN: That one in front of you! Can't you see it?
IAN: Oh, now I can!
IARU: Oh, no! There are new rules for using the physical
education facilities!
'ENISE: Come on, it can't be that bad! Look! We have to use sneakers
at aU times!IARU: Of course, otherwise we may fall down and break a leg.
'ENISE: Remember, Caty broke an arm las! year when she slipped on the
basketball court beca use she was wearing her regular shoes....
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