
Páginas: 2 (383 palabras) Publicado: 3 de noviembre de 2012
Name: Giaquinta, Francisco.
Course: 1º1º Date: November 1st
1- Read the text “Blind Canoeist FinishesTrip”
2- Answer about the text.
a) Who did Steve go on the trip with? Peter Gray
b) How long did the trip take? Six Month
c) Why did Steve go on a trip? He was tired but happy
d) Howmuch money did the trip raise? More than £50.000 for a charity
e) Where is Steve from? Liverpool
f) Why was the trip difficult? Because Steve is blind man
g) Where did Steve´s parents meethim? London
h) What are Steve Plans for the future? He plans to travel from the north to the south of Africa by bicycle
i) How long is the ride going to take? Over six month
j) What doeshe want to raise money for next? For guide dogs for blind people

3- Extract from the text:
a) two sentences in the simple past: Last year, Steve finished a degree in psychology at theUniversity of London; Their trip raised more than £50,000 for a charity that does medical research for children
b) Two sentences in the Simple Present:
c) A sentence expressing a comparison:d) Two sentences expressing plans for the future: I’m going to take a couple of weeks off; He now plans to travel from the north to the south of Africa
e) A sentence with a quantifier.

4-Read the following sentences. Underline the adjectives in each one. And complete the table with the comparative and superlative form.
1. They were tired but happy (two)
2. It was very hardwork and the weather was very bad (two)
3. The weather was terrible. (one)
4. Steve achievement is incredible. (one)
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5-Choose the best adjective to complete the sentences about the text.
1- There was a lot of a) strong b) bad c) hard weather on the trip.
2- Steve´s dad thought he was a a) real...
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