Dialogo De ingles

Páginas: 2 (327 palabras) Publicado: 29 de marzo de 2012
Dialogo de Ingles

Dialogo De Ingles
Francisco: Hello! How are you?
Adrian: I’m fine, thanks and you?
Francisco: I’m very well
Adrian: I would like you to meet myfriend Juan.
Juan: Nice to meet you
Francisco: Nice to meet you too.

Francisco: Excuse me! What time is it?
Adrian: It’s a quarter past one p.m.
Francisco: Do you knowwhere is the library?
Juan: Sorry, I am not from around here.
Adrian: The library is next to the pharmacy and in from of the gym.
Juan: How far is it? I want to know!Francisco: Am I going the wrong way?
Juan: Do you have a map?
Adrian: No, I don’t have a map, but you are about a mile from here.
Juan: Then, he is going the right way.Francisco: I must be there to two o’clock.
Adrian: Go to the corner and right turn only.
Francisco: Thank you. I appreciate your information. Bye, bye.

Juan: Excuse me! Whereis the central park?
Adrian: Go straight, walk one square, turn of the left and it is between the bank and the bakery.
Juan: And where are you going to go?
Adrian: I’m goingto the Airport.
Juan: I know where that is. That is north to the city and two square of the mall.
Adrian: Exactly! I hope to see you soon!
Juan: I hope to see you soontoo!!!

(Next Day)

Francisco: Hi!! Guys
Adrian y Juan: How are you getting on?
Francisco: Very Good
Adrian: We're going to do?
Juan: Go to the movies
Francisco: Doyou know where the cinema is?
Adrian: it's this way
Juan: Adrian is right
(After the movie)

Juan: Excuse me! What time is it?
Adrian: It is a ten past nine
Francisco:Oh my god, is too late
Juan: I need to get to my house fast
Adrian: I also
Francisco: Take care
Juan: thanks, see you soon
Adrian: Good to have seen you again.

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