Diccionario Breve

Páginas: 7 (1543 palabras) Publicado: 24 de octubre de 2012
diccionario español e ingles.
Mas de 250 palabras

A, a
Avión: plane
I travel by plane
Ave: bird
flying birds in the park
aventura: adventure
I have an affair with my ex
Árbol: tree
I plant a tree in my youth
Arena: sand
the desert brings a lot of sand
Alumbrado: lighting
I'm going on a road lighting
Articulaciones: joints
I have a problem with my jointsAnónimo: anonymous
I am the anonymous
Articulo: article
I read a news article
Agrónomo: agronomist
I am an agronomist

B, b
Bebe: baby
I have a baby
Basura: trash
I throw litter in its place
Bario: barium
Barium is an element of the periodic table
Barcelona: Barcelona
I was in barcelona
Batería: battery
I have no battery
Baras: rods
the bars are too fragile
berilio: berylliumBeryllium is an element of the periodic table
Bienestar: welfare
I feel a well in the soul
Barato: cheap
stores are all very cheap
barba: beard
Santa's beard is white

Casa: home
my house is very comfortable
comida: food
Mexican food is very delicious food
Coco: coconut
coconuts are very delicious
camarón: shrimp
the shrimp is the sea
cocinar: cook
I like to cook
Caratula: coverart
the cover of my phone was broken
coraza: armor
the shell of the crab is very resistant
corazón: heart
my heart is too big
calavera: skull
the skull are very ugly
cadáver: corpse
the corpse of the bride is sexy

D, d
Dedos: fingers
my fingers have narrow
dinero: money
money makes the world
direccionales: directional
turn signals are very efficient
dados: dice
the dice areuseless
dar: give
I like my food to
Dedicada: dedicated
this song is dedicated to my girlfriend
defensa: defense
defense covers of hits
derechos: rights
rights must be respected
diccionario: dictionary
My dictionary is perfect
Diferencias: differences
the differences are very large

E, e
Elefante: elephant
the elephant eats corn
elote: cob
the very healthy corn
enojado: angry
I amvery angry
Ecualizador: equalizer
the equalizer is used to change style
Enfermedad: disease
the disease is deadly
Enfrentar: face
I have to face reality
Encontrar: find
I have to find ami sister
Entero: integer
my whole body is
entrar: enter
want to get into a cult
edición: edition
My dictionary is new edition

F, f
Fabrica: manufactures
the new fabricaes
fanfarron: braggartthe boy is very boastful
fracaso: failure
the project was a failure
facturar: bill
I check a note
Farándula: farandole
the world of show business is very interesting
factores: factors
factors are common
fácil: easy
the travajo is easy
factible: feasible
the project is feasible
favorito: favorite
video games are my favorite
fantástico: fantastic
I have many fans

H, h
Hormiga: antI like ants
Héroe: hero
I am my hero
Hipotenusa: hypotenuse
I hate the hypotenuse
Herida: wound
the wound opens
hermanos: brethren
I love my brothers
Honor: honor
I have honor
Historia: history
I'm good for history
Hedor: stench
My honor is horrible
Horrible: horrible
I am horrible
Hermosillo: Hermosillo
Hermosillo village is very beautiful

I, i
Insolencia: insolence
yourinsolence is great
insuficiente: insufficient
My rating is insufficient
Increíble: incredible
I'm awesome
Insoportable: insupportable
my sister is unbearable
instituto: institute
the large institutoes
irreal: unreal
the imagination is so unreal
independiente: independent
independent ise me at 18
incandescente: incandescent
light bulb is incandescent
inflación: inflation
Inflationcauses overeating
Irritabilidad: irritability
lack of sleep causes irritability

J, j
Jarabe: syrup
the syrup is delicious
jugo: juice
I love juice
Jugamos: play
play hide and seek in my house
jugador: player
I played in goats
Jardin: garden
I did not go to kindergarten
Jabali: boar
the boar is a very violent anime
julio: July
my birthday on July
jaqueca: migraine
the job...
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