Diference Between See

Páginas: 3 (684 palabras) Publicado: 14 de julio de 2012
Difference between see, watch and look

See is the ordinary verb to say that something ‘comes to our eyes’. It doesn’t necessarily mean that we are paying attention or that we weren’t looking for.to see means to perceive anything in general. Seeing is unintentional, It is not your intention to see something. You see because you can perceive that with your eyes. You have the ability. When youreyes are open, you do it without thinking.


• I see a car near the store.
• I saw Joe yesterday.
• Did you see the match?

As people are able to see, they can see anything which comes intheir sight. But when they want to pay attention to something or someone; or when we want them to pay their attention to something or someone, we say "look at the picture, the man, the bird, etc. Notethat we can see something even if we don’t want to

Look (at) When we look at something we are trying to see what it is – we are paying attention. When we see something intentionally, we look at it.So we look at something with a reason, with an intention. "look" has the central idea of paying attention to something or somebody. But it is for a short time. Note that we can see something even ifwe don’t want to, but we can only look at something deliberately.


• He looked at the baby with his eyes full of love. (NOT He saw the baby with his eyes full of love.)
• She looked at thepicture.

Note that look is followed by a preposition when there is an object. When there is no object, there is no preposition.

• Look at the photo. (NOT Look the photo.)
• Look here. (NOT Lookat here.)
• Look at the plane in the sky. Can you see?
• Why are you looking at me like this?

Watch has more or less the same meaning as look. We usually use watch to talk about looking at eventsthat change or develop to look at something carefully and attentively usually at something which is moving. Watch TV’- the TV doesn’t move, but you watch the moving images carefully, as if we are...
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