Dioses Griegos

Páginas: 6 (1428 palabras) Publicado: 3 de abril de 2012
He is depicted with lightning a sceptre or an eagle, or any of the metamorphoses was transformed.
God of:
God of light, the serene sky and lightning, although it is not identified with the Sun, in the same way that Poseidon is not identified with the sea or Apollo with the Sun. In Hellenic thought, the gods have lost the cosmic value that could be another point in its evolution, and istreated as a symbol of the one God who embodies the Cosmos. In Rome, Zeus was identified with Jupiter, as the God of the bright sky and God as protector of the city, in his temple on the Capitol.
sually represent majestic, on a throne and crowned with the "poles". Sometimes it is in the hand a grenade.
God of:
He was the protector of married women.
The largest of all the Olympicgoddesses, Hera was eldest daughter of Cronus and Rhea, and therefore sister of Zeus. Like all his siblings, it was swallowed by Cronus, but it was returned to life by the cunning of Metis and the strength of Zeus, the only son who had not been swallowed.
Hades is often depicted holding a Horn of plenty, a symbol of wealth. It appears only rarely, usually alongside his wife and with thesceptre. He is depicted with a beard, hair aspros, just like Poseidon and Zeus. It is also common that a rooster, animal sacrificed to the Chthonic deities appear in their representations.
God of:
Hades is the God of the dead. The Greek official religion all souls are directed in Hades, although there were also various sects which promised another salvation rituals Orphic, Dionysian.
Hades isthe son of Cronus and Hera and brother of Zeus, Poseidon, Hera and Demeter. With Zeus and Poseidon, is one of the three sovereigns that divided the rule of the universe after his victory against the Titans: Hades was attributed the underworld, hell, or Tartarus.

It is represented as armed with Trident, which is the weapon par excellence of the tuna fishermen, and mounted in a car sweptby monstrous animals, half horse half snake. This car is surrounded by fish, dolphins, marine animals of all sorts of Nereids, and diverse geniuses.
God of:
Poseidon was Lord of a wonderful island: Atlantis. He was the protector of the sailors: in a naval engagement, it was him who decided what team should win. It also receives the worship of many places eminentlysailors of the coast, especially in Súnium, Attica.

Poseidon is one of the Olympic, son of Cronus and Rhea. According to the traditions, sometimes is considered the brother of Zeus, but in others the minor. The most ancient legend that tells that Zeus obliges his father Cronus to return children who had swallowed, supposed that Zeus is the youngest of the progeny, in the same way asCronus, he overthrew his father to the youngest of the children However, to the right of primogeniture and sobiranía was developed in Zeus, it became the largest. Therefore in the legends of the time classical Poseidon is generally considered the younger than his brother.
It is representing Apollo as a God very beautiful, high, marked especially by their long black curls of bluish reflections, asthe petals of the thought (kouros). The bow is the weapon par excellence of Apolo.
God of:
God of light, knowledge, music, poetry, prophecy, and archery. The symbols include the Sun, the lira, arc and the arrow, Raven, dolphin, Wolf, Swan and mouse. Twin brother of Artemis. Younger son of Zeus and Leto.
Apolo is the son of Zeus and Leto, and brother of the goddess Artemis. Therefore, he isa God of second generation. Zeus, jealous of Leto, had pursued the girl throughout the land. Tired of escape the wrath of the wife of Zeus, Leto was looking for a site where giving birth to children that was carrying in her womb, but had the problem that the Earth refused to accept, fearing the wrath of Hera. Only a sterile, and floating island called Ortygia, or perhaps Asteria (the island of...
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