Diseño Gráfico

Páginas: 3 (501 palabras) Publicado: 2 de diciembre de 2012
Tolerance and Memory Museum
by laura aceldas.

I am going to talk about my experiences and points of view of the museum. This trip begins with a section named “Memory”, in this part we can se avery quick introduction about Genocide and other inhuman and racial aspects through the history. The most part of this section talks about the Holocaust.
In this collection we can find somephotographs, documents, uniforms and some kind of signs used to catalogue the people in this period, this museum have a lot of interactive spaces, and some debate rooms. In this part we can observe with muchdetail a lot about the Second World War, about Genocide than Germans did with jews, a lot of discrimination and suffer of people.
In the section of “Tolerance” we found a lot of things that occurseveryday in the common life, here we can learn how to communicate with property, to be understood and being tolerant with ourselves. In this section shows all the values that the society have lostthrough the years.
Now…What do you think is tolerance?, For me, tolerance is the mutual respect between people, no matter believes, ideologies, raze or sexual preference. We need to learn to gettoguether, being brothers, every single person are unique, instead of discriminate them, we can learn with them. The part of the museum that most took my attention, was the dialog about phrases that arelies, but now a days people, think that this are true, and they think inside the box….. its so embarrassing that people don’t love each others, that’s the reason why are so many wars..
In the museum, ina debate room they show us a video, and the instructions was to pay attention to every single detail, it was a music video, in the end of the video, the organizer ask us how many people in the videoare not as privilege as us. Nobody answer. Then we show us again the video and its incredible, now we saw every person in poverty, its overwhelmed because we didn’t see that before…… at the end of...
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