
Páginas: 2 (286 palabras) Publicado: 19 de febrero de 2013
This was a society with many of the (1) ____________of a great civilization. The Moche built great cities with massive (2) ______________ architecture. They had a powerful (3) ______________andreligious elite and they supported an artistic (4) _______________capable of producing spectacular pottery and metalwork. But then, around 650 AD, there is a  (5)_______________ Archaeologists found evidence that the cities had been (6) _________________ and this extraordinary civilization seemed to (7) ________________ into the desert. The rise and fall of the Moche (8)________________ tantalizing questions. How had they created such a (9) _________________ civilization in the desert? What (10) _______________ of society was it? Andmost (11) ________________ of all, what had happened to them? The problems scientists faced was that much about the Moche was still (12) _________________in mystery. They left no written record andthe people today have (13) ________________knowledge of the distant past. Then, archaeologists came across a new (14) _______________ out in thedesert. Here they found signs of more Moche construction (15) ____________________: an elaborate system of irrigation (16) _________________ .Mud-brick aqueducts carried water (17) _________________ ofkilometers. Many are still in (18) ______________today. This was how the Moche had (19) ________________ the desert, brought water to their (20) _________________ and grown thecrops that (21) _______________them. But what was still missing was any real (22) _____________into how Moche society worked. There was,(23) ________________, one important set ofclues. The Moche left an (24) __________________ rich record of images and stories on pots and vessels. Many appear to (25) ________________ everyday scenes from the world around them but there were...
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